Chapter 37

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It was Friday night, Everyone was upstairs laying on the couch. Lincoln was playing x box, Octavia was on her phone and Julianna had fallen asleep. Khloe was asleep on the floor.

Lincoln looks over and sees Jules asleep. He turns off his game and gets off the couch gently picking her up and walking upstairs to her room placing her in bed. "Goodnight Jules." He kisses her forehead and flicks off the light walking back downstairs.

Octavia looks up from the couch and puts her phone down. "Linc.." She stands up from the couch and walks over to him. "Yessss." He smiles and pulls her hips close to him. Octavia smiles and places her arms around his neck. She hesitates before speaking. "Can we have another baby?" She mumbles. Lincoln's eyes grow wide. "Are you serious?" He asks. "I don't know, I just think it would be nice for Jules to be an older sister. And I miss having a baby.... and you never got to experience that." She tells him. Lincoln smiles and kisses her forehead. "Of course. I would love to have another baby." He smiles. "Really?" She asks. "Ya, our baby's are gorgeous I'd make 100" he jokes. "Mmm That's good but I think I'll be tired way before we hit 100." She says laughing. Lincoln picks her up and starts kissing her walking towards the stairs. "Better start now then." He walks upstairs with her.

The weekend went by quickly, Saturday Bellamy, Clarke, Niylah and the Kids came over for dinner and all the kids slept over. Sunday, Lincoln brought them for Ice cream and then brought Annabelle and the twins home.

The week was long and slow. Lincoln's hours were shorter so it was better. He left later in the morning and came home early in the evening. Octavia worked from home a few days and Julianna had her friend over on Thursday night.

"Mommy can I go to uncle Bellamy's tomorrow and play with the twins?" Julianna asked. "Let me just talk to him him first ok, go wash your hands it's supper time." Octavia tells her. Lincoln walks by and kisses Octavia's cheek. "Hey gorgeous dinner smells amazing." He tells her. "Its chicken." She tells him.

That night, after tucking Julianna in bed. Lincoln walked into their room crawling onto the bed. "You tired?" He asked Octavia who was reading in bed. "No." She shakes her head putting her book on the side. "Good." He smiles and crawls on top of her. Octavia giggles and bites her lip. Lincoln leans down and kisses her slowly. Octavia reaches her hand over and flicks off the light.

It's been a few weeks since Octavia and Lincoln have been trying to get pregnant again. Octavia always gets her results back negative.

It was Sunday morning, Lincoln was flipping pancakes in the kitchen and Julianna was sitting on a stool colouring. Octavia walks back out of the bathroom and Lincoln turns around. She shakes her head and sighs disappointed walking over to the counter. Lincoln leans back and kisses her cheek placing his hand on her lower back. "It's ok. We just gotta keep trying." He tells her. Octavia nods.

The next week, during Octavia's ovulation, they kept trying. It was Friday night, Lincoln, Octavia and Jules just got home from Niylahs house. They had dinner together. It was late and everyone was tired. "Alright let's go Jules it's almost 11:30 you have to go to bed." Octavia brings her upstairs and gets her ready before going back to her own room and changing. She flops down in the bed and closes her eyes. Lincoln walks in and crawls beside her. "Babe, we have to try." He tells her. "Mmm" Octavia groans and stays laying on her stomach. "We only have 2 more days." He reminds her as he plays with her hair. "I'm so tired." She mumbles. "I know, I am too. Just roll over." He moves his hands to her hips. She sighs and goes under him.

After receiving negative results 5 months in a row, Octavia and Lincoln went to the Doctors. They got called into the room and Octavia was asked to have an exam. She was laying on the table with Lincoln in a chair beside her as the doctor checked her uterus. "So you've been getting regular periods?" He asks. "Yes" she answers. "And you guys have been trying for how long now?" He asks. "Around 5 months maybe." She looks at Lincoln and he nods. "What type of contraceptive do you usually use?" He asks them. "I'm usually on the birth control pill." She informs him.

After her exam, the doctor leaves to let her get dressed. He walks back in. "Alright so you seem to be fine, all I can say is that you're stressed. Maybe trying too hard. Don't worry about it too much, you will get pregnant again. It just takes time." He tells them. She smiles slightly and nods. "Thank you Dc. Green."

That night, after dinner Lincoln, Octavia and Jules went in the hot tub. "So Jules how was school today?" Lincoln asks. "Good." She tells him. "What do you want for Christmas?" Octavia asks her. "Um I don't know." She shrugs. "I want a baby brother." She smiles. Octavia looks at Lincoln surprised. Lincoln chuckles and looks at her. "Well what if you get a baby sister?" He asks. Julianna shrugs. "Well you can chose the baby boy one." She tells him. Octavia smiles. "Ya ok, i think it's bed time, you have school tomorrow." Octavia tells her. "Ok." She answers. "Give mommy a hug and kiss, I'll tuck you in." Lincoln says getting out. Julianna swims over and hugs her. "Goodnight mommy." She says.

Lincoln puts julianna to bed and then goes back outside to Octavia. He gets in and sits beside her. Octavia sighs and leans her head on his shoulder. "What if I never get pregnant." She whispers. "No baby. You are just stressed." He tells her. She turns to face him leaning her forehead to his. Lincoln leans in to kiss her and he brings his hands to her waist lifting her onto him. Octavia smiles into the kiss and wraps her arms around his neck. Lincoln smirks and slowly unties her bathing suit top. She goes onto her knees and kisses him more aggressively and he pulls off her bottoms as well as his.

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