Part 11

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Lincoln was in the car with Octavia. They were going to the beach. It wasn't sunny out, it was pretty cloudy and the water was murky, but it was hot. More like a humid, sticky hot. The heat was in your lungs, it was almost hard to breathe. It was crazy insane how hot it was. So far they pasted 3 ambulances probably called from heat stroke. "Wow, this is crazy." Octavia spoke, fanning herself off. "Here drink water." Lincoln passed her a bottle. "I'm fine Linc. Really." She says, chuckling lightly, taking a sip of the water.

They pulled up at the beach and parked under a tree. Lincoln got out with Octavia and they walked down to the sand. There were a few family's with little children but not much. The two held hands and slowly walked into the water. Even the water was warm. But, it was refreshing. Lincoln walked deeper, to his waist and held his hands out for Octavia to follow. They walked deeper and Octavia swam over to Lincoln latching onto him. Wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. "Hey there." Lincoln smiled holding her up. "Hi." She smiled back. Lincoln continue to swim deeper u till he could no longer touch and was simply treading water. "How are you holding both of us up." She laughed a little. "We had lots of underwater training in the fire force. And partly because you weigh nothing in water." He shrugged with a chuckle. The brunette hummed with a nod and laid her cheek to his shoulder, comfortable with him.

"Your not scared." Octavia spoke, more of a statement. "Of the water? No. Why are you?" Lincoln asked. "No. It's just, I don't like to go out deep... I'm not a very good swimmer...I can't swim." She admitted with a frown, a little embarrassed, holding onto him a little tighter. "I've got you. Just don't let the water overcome you....breathe with the waves." He smiled, covering her face with little kisses. She smiled and relaxed a little, letting out a breath.

"I've gotta work tonight." Lincoln reminded. "Ugh. You're leaving me." She pouted. "I'll be there when you wake up." Lincoln smiled. "I'll just be up." Octavia smiled too. "You're gonna be asleep." He corrected. "No. I'm not." Octavia lifts her head and fights back. "O." Just before he could  finish his sentence, there was a scream. Both Lincoln and Octavia look over startled. Furrowing their eyebrows as the only thing visible to them was  a crowd of people clearly in panic. Lincoln easily twisted so that Octavia was comfortable on his back before he swam back to the shore. Managing to get through the hurdle of people, Octavia gasped lightly.  "Give her space!" One woman yelled out.  There was a  little girl, maybe 10 years old passed out unconscious on the sand. "What happened?" Lincoln knelt down, looking over to the parents. "She just collapsed." The father spoke holding her. "Ok... lift her feet. Call 911, get me some cold fresh water and a towel." Lincoln pointed to a few people, directing them.

The father nodded and held up her legs, the  mother ran over grabbing a towel, a random guy called the ambulance and Octavia came over with a water bottle. "Thanks. O, put the towel under her head." He instructed and the mother folded it and propped up her head. "Ok, ambulance is on their way." The man informed. Lincoln began to pour some water on her head and arms. "What's wrong?" Octavia looked over at Lincoln. "She's just dehydrated, she's ok." He reassured. "Are you sure?! She's never fainted before" the father spoke all worried. The little girl slowly opened her eyes. "Hmm." Lincoln nodded and then poured a bit of water in her mouth, letting her sip that.

After the ambulance came to check her out, the father walked over to Lincoln and Octavia. "Thank you so much. Really I don't know how to repay you." He spoke to Lincoln. "It's no problem. Im happy she's ok." He nods and smiles. The parents went into the ambulance with their daughter and Lincoln spoke to the paramedics quickly.

Octavia walked over to Lincoln after he was done speaking and reached to hold onto his bicep. "You saved a little girl. How did you stay that calm."  She spoke impressed.  "I don't know. I guess after saving people your whole life you get use to it. I mostly stay calm for the parents or family. You know so they don't panic." Lincoln slugged a little. "Mhm." Octavia sighed and nodded hugging his arm. "It's probably gonna storm out soon. We should go." Lincoln suggested. "Mhm." Octavia just nodded. "Hey everything ok?" Lincoln stopped walking as turned to look down at her. "Yeah, everything's fine." She smiled. "O, I know you're lying." He put his hand on her cheek and she shook her head with a smile. "I just. I just miss my mom, she use to read my Snow White and the seven dwarfs if I was hurt or sick... it always made me feel better." She gave in and told him, but didn't want to damper the mood so stayed smiling. Lincoln smiled too, his thumb brushing against her cheek. He I pulled her in for a hug. "She's still with you." He whispered. Octavia nodded and pulled back wiping a tear away. "I know." She sucked in a breath and then took his hand again, walking to the car with him.

"Snow White and the seven dwarfs huh?" Lincoln looked over at her. "Yeah, you know fairytales and magic." Octavia grinned. "I know. Overrated unrealistic stories." He smirked. "Lincoln!" The brunette gasped stopping. "Whatttt." He laughed and tugged her hand. "I don't believe in fairy tales and happily ever afters."

They get in the car before it started raining. "You gonna come to my house." Lincoln asked starting the car. "Well..." she hesitated. "Tavia, it's really hot and you don't have air conditioning. Just spend the night at my house. I don't want you to be alone in this heat." He
started driving. "But Peanuts at the house and you're going to work anyways." She pouts. "I'll drive over and you can run in and get her." Lincoln reassured. "Ok ok fine." She nodded.

After getting peanut and arriving, Lincoln started making dinner. They ate salad because it was too hot to put anything in the oven. "There's some of your shorts and a tank top upstairs from the other day you can wear." Lincoln got a call from work, saying that he didn't need to come in, so he got to stay the night with Octavia,

That night, around 11:30, the power went out and the air conditioning stoped. Octavia and Lincoln were cuddled under the blankets when Octavia woke up, she kicked off the blankets and rolled away from Lincoln. "Ugh!" She groaned out in discomfort. Lincoln opened his eyes and clicked his phone checking the time. Octavia stood up and pulled off her clothes that were practically sticking to her from sweat. "What are you doing" Lincoln mumbled still half asleep. "It's hot! I'm gonna die!" Octavia growled out in frustration. Lincoln sat up, yawning before he walked over to the window and opened it up to let in the night breeze. "Where's the dog?" He asked. "On the floor." Octavia mumbled, peanut laying at her feet, panting. "Okay. Try to sleep." Lincoln whispered and took off his shirt, leaning over to kiss the brunettes head. "Goodnight." Octavia muttered, laying back down, spreading out before she fell asleep.

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