Chapter 34

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    It was labour day weekend and Octavia, Lincoln and Jules were going to Bellamy's for a pool party and BBQ. They arrived and said hello to Clarke and the twins.

      The kids were playing in the pool while the adults were sitting outside watching them and talking. "So O, how's the new job?" Bellamy asks. "It's pretty good, my shifts aren't too long, everyone's nice and it's pretty simple, for now." She tells him. "That's great!" He replies.

      The day was hot and long, screaming and laughing. Water fights and sparklers. It was around 5:30 and everyone was out of the pool sitting outside eating their food. Clarke was talking with Octavia, Bellamy was feeding the twins and Lincoln was laying on a Chair with Julianna asleep on him.

     Bellamy walked inside for a second to get some cold water when there was a knock on the door. He walks over and opens the door to a police officer. "Um can I help you?" He asks as he looks past him and sees a bunch of cars and officers outside the house. "Yes, we are looking for an Octavia Blake, we traced her phone to this address. "Ummm. Yea, I'm her brother. Is everything okay?" He asks. "Yes can you please bring me to her." He asks. Bellamy hesitantly and confused walks through the house to the backyard with the officer. "O." He whistles for her to come over.

    Octavia looks up and sees the police man. She gets up and walks over to them. Lincoln turns his head and watches them.

       When Octavia walks over, Bellamy walks back over to the kids to give them space.

    "Miss Blake, we have been informed you have a daughter." He takes out his papers and looks through them. "Julianna, 5 years old?" He questions. "Yes." She answers confused. "She's Spanish correct? Born in Malaga Spain.   And you are American? Born here." He asks. "Yes, what's your point." Octavia asks worried.  "Your daughter is undocumented." The officer tells her. Octavia stays quiet. "It's ilegal for her to stay here without an American passport or visa after a certain amount of time. And you are pasted that limit." He tells her. "I can get her a passport, ill do the paperwork, she'll become an American citizen." She tells him. "Child services has been called and we are going to be taking Julianna in." The officer says. "WHAT?!" Octavia screams. "Mame calm down please." He tells her. "Haha excuse me? You're not taking my daughter away from me." She tells him. "You don't have full custody of her, right now she is docked as kidnapped." He says. "KIDNAPPED?!" Octavia screams out.

      Lincoln looks over and Julianna wakes up from the scream. She rubs her face and looks up at Lincoln. "What's wrong with mommy?" She asks. "Im not sure.... just stay here with me, uncle Bellamy is going to see."

     Bellamy walks over to them. "Is everything ok?" He asks. "No! This dude is trying to tell me I kidnapped my own daughter and now he's gonna take her away." She says all annoyed. "Her father, in prison right now, still has a say, and he's fighting on you not having any custody of her." The officer tells her. "Woah woah woah, Mark? He is not her father. He is." She points to Lincoln. "Well it says here in her birth certificate her birth parents are Octavia Marie Blake and Marcus Reed." He shows her. "Ya I know that. But he isn't her father. It's a long story. But he's not related to her. So he has no say in this." Octavia tells him. "He's legally her father, he has a say in it, if you can do a DNA test and prove to the Court that, that man is her father, then maybe things will change. But right by the law, we have a warrant to take her, for being  an undocumented foreign immigrant and parental kidnapping. If you fight back, you have a harder chance of taking her home sooner than later and you can be arrested where anything you say or do can and will be used against you in court."  The officer says.

     Octavia looks at Bellamy and then to the officer and nods. Tears stream down stream down her face and Bellamy pulls her into a hug.

     When Lincoln sees them he knows something's wrong he looks at Clarke confused and she gives him a confused look back. "Daddy?" Julianna looks at him. "Why is mommy crying." She asks. "I'm not sure." He tells her. 

     Octavia walks over and wipes her face. Lincoln looks at her concerned. She forces a smile and crouches down to Julianna. "Hey sweetie." She looks in her eyes. "Hi mommy." She smiles back. "Um, Mommy needs you to do something for her ok?" She takes her hands and looks up at Lincoln. Lincoln looks at her with pure panic. She looks back at julianna and smiles as tears go down her face. "I need you to promise me, that you are going to stay strong and be a brave girl." She tells her. Julianna nods. "You're going to go with a lady and she's going to take you to a place and ask you questions. And then she's going to take you to a home okay." She nods her head staring at her. "Just for a little bit, it's gonna be fun, there's gonna be other kids. You just gotta be nice and...." she stops and wipes her face. "I promise I will come get you. I promise you I will try as hard as I can." She tells her. "No mater what happens, I love you. So so much." She tells her.

     Julianna goes inside and changes with Clarke into some clean clothes. Lincoln stays outside with Octavia so she can explain. "You need to get a test done, blood test, pee test, fucking I don't know test but I can't. They're taking her." She starts to cry again. "I will, I will. It's ok just breathe." Lincoln wraps his arms around her.

     Octavia was sitting on the steps holding Julianna rocking back and forth waiting for the child services lady to arrive. Bellamy, Clarke and the twins were outside and Lincoln was standing outside looking at Octavia and Julianna.

     The car pulls up and a lady walks out. She walks over to them and smiles. "I'm Stacy, I'm here for julianna. She's going to be In great hands. The foster family is very kind and they have 2 little boys." She tells them. "Are you ready to come." She smiles at julianna. Octavia looks at her and nods in pain and she kisses her cheek. "No." Julianna starts to get scared and hugs Octavia. "It's ok baby." She tells her holding her for another second. She pulls her off and Stacy reaches out for her. "No!" She screams and starts crying. "It's ok Jules." Octavia tell her and starts crying. "Mommy No!" She screams. When Julianna starts kicking and screaming while crying like crazy, Lincoln walks to her and pulls her off of Octavia. "Stop it! No!" She yells as she cries. Octavia stands up and walks inside crying because it hurts too much to see Julianna. "Daddy! Stop it!" She kicks and screams and throws her arms at him as he walks to the car. Lincoln doesn't answer her. He grabs her wrists and crosses them so she can't move. "Lincoln!! Nooo!" She starts screaming no like he's trying to kill her. Lincoln's heart hurts as he forcefully puts her in the car. "Don't leave me! Daddy please!" She screams hanging onto him. "Jules let go." He says trying to pull away his hands. "Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwww." She screams crying barley able to breathe. Lincoln finally peels her off and shuts the door, he can still here her muffled cries and screams as he walks away with tears falling from his eyes.

     Clarke and Bellamy look at each other in pain because they can hear that little girl screaming from the front.

   Lincoln walks over to Octavia and wraps his arms around her. They both break down in each other's arms.

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