Chapter 54

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It was the last night that Lincoln, Octavia and the kids were staying with the family. They were having a big party with all the extended family over. It was late afternoon, the kids were running around outside playing with their cousins. Lincoln was talking to all his old pals and relatives. Octavia was inside taking a nap. It was the first time all week she is actually really sleeping.

All the kids run inside giggling and screaming. Lincolns grandma slowly walks over. "Silencio, Mami está durmiendo." She tells them. Julianna takes them outside so that her mom can sleep. They all pass Lincoln. "Whoa hey we are going to eat soon why dont you go wash up." He tells them and they all nod. "Jules is mommy still sleeping?" He asks. "Yes." She answers and then runs to the bathroom to wash her hands.  Lincoln walks to the room and pecks his head in seeing Octavia peacefully asleep.

Everyone's sitting outside eating. Lincoln walks over and sits beside the kids. "Hey." He smiles. "Hi" They both smile and continue eating. "Did you guys have fun this week?" He asks. "Yes!" Julianna nods. Jayden giggles and nods as well. "Good. I know you guys really want to go to the beach. We are going to the resort tomorrow. Thank you for being so good this week. I love you guys." He kisses them each on the head.

After supper, Lincoln walks inside to the Kitchen and grabs a beer from the fridge. He looks around for a bottle opener. He feels a tap on the shoulder and turns around. There's a girl in front of him, maybe late twenties or early thirties. Shes tall, She's got brown eyes and a big wide smile. Long dirty blonde hair and a slim body. "You looking for this?" She asks and holds up the bottle opener. He smiles and nods. "Yes I am." She hands it to him. "Thanks." He opens his beer and puts the bottle opener on the counter. "Im Jenna, a family friend." she smiles. "Nice to meet you, Im Lincoln."

Octavia wakes up and sits up. She sees its already dark outside and grabs her phone checking the time. Its 8:39pm. She yawns and stretches then gets up running her fingers through her hair. She slips on her flip flops and opens the door walking out.

Lincolns leaning against the counter listening to Jenna. They laugh and continue talking about things that both interest them. Lincoln takes a sip of his beer and checks the time on his watch. Jenna reaches her hand out and grabs his arm. "Nice watch." She says. "Thanks." He smiles. She looks up at him and smiles biting her lip. She leans in and kisses him.

Octavia walks into the kitchen but then quickly stops at the door frame when she sees Lincoln and this random girl kissing. She stands there for a split second and then storms out with tears streaming down her face.

Lincoln quickly pushes away from Jenna. "Why did you do that." He asks stepping back. She smiles and takes another step closer to him reaching out to take his hand. "I like you." She says. Lincoln jolts his hand away from her and shakes his head. "You shouldn't have done that." He says and walks out of the kitchen. Jenna frowns and walks away. Lincoln shakes himself off and sighs. He walks to the room to check on Octavia. When he walks in, he sees her awake going through her things and packing. "whoa whats going on?" He asks standing at the door. She ignores him and continues getting her stuff. "Octavia?" He asks confused. "Don't talk to me." She mumbles. "What? Whats going on?" He walks up behind her. She turns around with tears still falling down her rosy cheeks. "Whats going on? Are you fucking kidding me? You just go around kissing other girls when Im not around!?" She yells. Lincoln closes his eyes and leans his head back. "Octavia." He pauses. "You dont even know what to say! Are you planning on leaving me again huh?" She pushes past him. "O Wait" He follows her. She walks outside. "No Dont  'O Wait me'." she says walking past everyone. "Octavia I didnt kiss her." He reaches out to her. "Lincoln." she stops and turns around. "YOU ARE A LIAR AND A CHEATER AND I HATE YOU! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME AGAIN" She screams and everyone stops and looks at them. They all start whispering in Spanish. Octavia looks around and growls. "Why cant you just all mind your god damn fucking business! AND YA IM SPEAKING ENGLISH IM TIRED OF SPEAKING SPANISH YOU'RE ALL CRAZY AND I CANT TAKE THIS!" She runs down the street. Lincoln looks at everyone. "Lo Siento." He smiles slightly and walks inside. He walks to the kitchen and kicks the wall frustrated. "Mi hijo. She loves you. Ir tras ella." His abuela walks up to him and smiles.

      People are starting to leave. Lincoln walks outside and everyone comes over to say goodbye. He quickly thanks them for coming and says goodbye before he starts walking down the street. It's late and dark, Lincoln has no idea where she is and she probably doesn't know either.

      After walking for a good ten minutes, Lincoln spots someone sitting on the side of the curb in the middle of nowhere. "Octavia." He yells out. She turns her head and then stands up starting to walk away from him. "O, I didn't kiss her!" He yells out. "Yes you did Lincoln! I saw you two! Stop trying to fix this!" She stops and turns around yelling at him. "You're right. We kisses. She kisses me and I pulled away. Octavia I love you. And I wouldn't ever do that." He says. Octavia shakes her head and blinks away the tears. "But you have. You already did Lincoln. And I hate myself for it because I know you did it for me....." She can't hold back the tears now. "But every time I see you  in public with other girls I see you making out with that girl. And you didn't stop even when you saw me." She whispers and he walks closer to her. "Amour. Please. I know I messed up and I hurt you and That's hurts me. I never wanted to hurt you baby." He pulls her close. "I love you and only you." He whispers. "And that girl was too tall for me. I like my girls short." He chuckles and Octavia hits him. "Shut up." She leans her head on his chest and hugs him. "I'm sorry." He whispers. "It's ok." She whispers back. "But you better not kiss anyone else but me or I will kill you." She frowns. He smiles and nods then leans down and Kisses her.

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