Chapter 51

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       Lincoln and Octavia have been talking about going on a vacation with the kids for a while now. They want to go to Spain, Lincoln has family there and he hasn't been back in over 20 years. They have never brought them out of the country before, besides Julianna who was born in Spain the same as Lincoln. She was young when she moved, 4 years old. She doesn't remember much about Spain or Marcus or the year after. Octavia and Lincoln are both thankful she doesn't.

    It was Friday evening, they were all sitting at the dinner table eating. Lincoln an Octavia decided earlier in the day they would tell them tonight. They were going to tell them the next morning, when they were leaving but decided to tell them the night before. "So what do you guys think of going on a Vacation?" Lincoln asks the kids. "yeah! Can we go to on an airplane!" Jayden exclaims. Octavia giggles and shrugs. "Maybe, Or we could swim there." She smiles. Julianna looks at them a little unconvinced. "Are we really going somewhere?" She asks. "I mean, we are. I don't know if you wanna join us, Your old parents and annoying baby brother." Lincoln looks at her. She chuckles and rolls her eyes. "Where?" she asks. "Spain" Octavia tells her. "Really!?" She jumps up. "Yep." Lincoln nods. "When are we going?" She asks. "Tomorrow morning so we are all going to bed early because our flights at 6 tomorrow morning." Lincoln tells them. "We are going tomorrow! Yess!! We're going to miss school!" Julianna smiles joyfully. "Hope you're not learning anything too important."

That night, Lincoln and Octavia packed the kids things and their things as well. The kids were asleep by 9:30. Lincoln was in the shower and Octavia was cleaning the house so it wouldn't be messy when they got home. She turns off all the lights and locks the doors before walking upstairs to bed. Lincoln joins her and they both fall asleep.

Lincoln's alarm goes off at 3am. Octavia hears it and lays there for a moment. Lincoln turns it off and sits up. "You get the kids ready. I'll put the suitcases in the car." He tells her. "Mhm." She mumbles with her eyes still closed. Lincoln brings all the bags downstairs and outside to the car. Octavia finally gets up and goes to the bathroom and gets dressed before she walks into the kids rooms and wakes them up. They get dressed and they all walk downstairs to the living room. Lincoln walks in and sees them all sleepily sitting on the couch. He walks over and claps his hands. "We ready to go!" He asks excitedly. Nobody moves. Lincoln walks over and claps his hands. "Arriba Arriba. Let's go!" He pulls Jayden up and he groans. They all get into the car and they drive to the airport.

They get to the airport and go through customs easily. They wait for around an hour before boarding the flight. Jayden sits beside Lincoln and Octavia and Julianna sit across from them. The pilots go over the safety procedure and then everyone is asked to put there seatbelts on. Octavia puts her seat belt on and then reaches over tapping Lincoln's shoulder. "Give Jay a gravel." She hands him the bottle. After he gives him the pill, Lincoln reaches over and holds Octavia's hand in the isle because he knows she hates going up and landing. She squeezes it and smiles leaning her head back closing her eyes.

It's around 8 in the morning when Octavia jumps awake. She looks to her side and sees Julianna asleep and then she turns to see Lincoln awake with Jayden laying on his lap. Lincoln looks over at her and smiles. "Good morning sunshine." She smiles and yawns. "Is he asleep?" She points to Jayden. "No, he doesn't feel well." He tells her rubbing his arm. He sits up and sighs. "Are we almost there" He frowns. "No. 7 more hours bud." Lincoln strokes his hair. "I don't feel well." He holds Lincoln's arm. He looks down and leans over. Lincoln quickly grabs the bag from under the seat and opens it in front of Jayden and he throws up. Octavia stands up and leans over Lincoln. Lincoln wipes his mouth and hands Octavia the bag. She gets up and walks to the bathroom throwing it out. Jayden's leaning against lincoln when she comes back. "You ok bud?" She asks and he nods. "Try and sleep." She tells him.

A few hours later, Julianna wakes up and sees Lincoln beside her. Octavia changed spots with him so he could sleep and she would watch Jayden. "Is Jay Ok?" She asks. "Yeah he's just not feeling well." Lincoln tells her. "Are we almost there?" She asks. "Like 2 hours." He says. She nods and pulls out her phone. She goes onto Snapchat and starts looking at all the filter. Lincoln leans in and makes faces. "Oh damn This is cool." He takes her phone and holds it up in front of him. "Is this like snappy something." He asks and takes pictures of himself. "Snapchat." She laughs. He takes a picture of himself as a bear and shows it to Octavia. "O look I'm a bear. Can you be my honey." He asks. "Why?" She giggles. "So I can eat you." He smirks and whispers. She chuckles and pushes the phone away. "You're stupid. Is that Snapchat." She asks. "Yeah." He turns to julianna. "Should I get this on my phone?" He asks. "No." She grabs her phone back. "Yeah ok we can become friends and then I can like send you pictures of me and I'll look cool and you can show your friends and be like this is my cool dad he's really just cool." He smiles. "You are not getting Snapchat." She shakes her head laughing.

They finally land in the afternoon and get their bags. Lincoln calls an Uber that drive them to his families house.

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