Chapter 55

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          Lincoln wakes up with an arm in his face. He pushes Jayden over and gets up. Octavia and Julianna are cuddled in the other bed.

The hotel room was a mess, bathing suits everywhere, sand all over the floor, water trailing from the bathroom, damp towels and shells on the counter.

    The kids and Octavia woke up a little while later. They got dressed and ready for the beach.

They spend the day playing in the water and the sand. They caught turtles and fish and had surfing lessons.

     The kids were sitting in the sand in there towels while Octavia was sitting in the shallow part of the water. Lincoln walks over to the kids. "Can we go back now?" Jayden asks. "You don't want to stay a little longer?" He asks. "I'll take him back to the room." Julianna says. "Ok, be careful and stay in the room." He tells them and hands her the key card. He watches them walk back to the room and then goes to meet Octavia in the water. "Hey where'd the kids go?" She asks. "Back to the room." He tells her. She nods and then jumps onto his back in the water. He chuckles and floats around with her.

    "We should go back and get ready for dinner." Octavia tells him. "Yeah, ok let's go." Lincoln swims back to the shore with her. As they're walking back, they pass a small shed. Octavia giggles and pulls his arm. "Woah why are we in here." He glares at her confused. "We're in Spain Lincoln" she wraps her arms around him. "I know." He smiles. "Quiéreme.." She whispers and unties her bikini letting it fall to the floor. "Octavia! Someone can walk in." He whispers. "We're leaving and no one will ever see us again." She tells him and pulls down her bottoms. He chuckles and grabs her waist pulling her close starting to kiss her passionately.

Octavia put her swimsuit back on and fixed her hair then steppes out of the shed. Lincoln walked out behind her. They look around and then walk back to the room like nothing happened.

They walk into the room and find the kids sitting on the bed watching tv. "Hey guys. Get changed. We're going to dinner soon." Lincoln tells them and they don't move. "Hello children!" Octavia walks over and blocks the tv. "Mommyyy." Jayden whines. "Our reservations at 7 lets go." She says and walks to the bathroom and closes the door taking a quick shower.

They all get ready for dinner. Lincoln's wearing nice shorts and a nice T- Shirt, Octavia's wearing a long sun dress. Julianna's wearing a flowy dress and Jayden's wearing shorts and a nice shirt. They walk together to the restaurant and get seated.

It's been a long day in the sun and they haven't eaten all day. The waitress comes around and offers drinks. Lincoln gets a beer and Octavia gets a red wine.

After eating, Octavia excuses herself to go to the bathroom. As she's walking back, a bartender offers her a shot of something. She smiles and takes it. She walks back over to Lincoln and the kids. "Alright what are we doing?" She asks. "We can go to the show. I think it's dancing tonight." Lincoln tells them. "Yay! Let's go." The kids run off and Octavia and Lincoln follow. They stop at the bar and get a drink before sitting down. Lincoln hands the kids a lemonade. "Can I have a sip of your drink!" Julianna asks. "No." Lincoln sits beside her. "Aww come on please." She pouts. Lincoln sighs and hands her the glass. She smiles widely and takes a sip. "Ew." She hands it back. "Can I try!" Jayden asks. "No." Octavia says. "Well she got to!" He frowns. "She's 15." Lincoln says.

After the show finished, they walked outside feeling the cool breeze. Octavia kept stumbling over her feet. Lincoln looked at her concerned. "You ok?" He asks. She smiles and nods. They pass by a bartender holding shots and Octavia reaches over and grabs one. She downs it and puts it back on the tray. Lincoln raises his eyebrow at her. She leans closer to him and burps in his face then blows it to him. He waves it away and rolls his eyes. She giggles and continues walking. "Daddy." Julianna walks beside Lincoln. "Yeah." He smiles and looks down at her. "Is she ok...." she looks at Octavia who's randomly started talking to this girl. "Shit." Lincoln mutters under his breath and runs over to her. "Hey O, whatcha doing. Let's leave this young girl alone. Alright." He pulls her away. "Whaaaa." She sighs and stops walking. "What are you doing." "I'm standing here... duh." She rolls her eyes and bites her nails. "Well let's go back to the room now." He says and takes her hand. "Fuck you." She frowns and walks the other way. Jayden laughs and looks at her. "Is mommy drunk." He looks at Julianna and she shrugs. "Seriously. Let's go." Lincoln looks at her. She squints at him and starts growling and then starts running away. "Are you 5?" He raises his arms over his head and then looks at the kids who are giggling. "Daddy!" Julianna stops laughing and points to Octavia who's about to jump into the pool. "Octavia!" He runs after her.

Julianna and Jayden look at each other and then run after him. The security guard walks over and starts yelling at Octavia. "I'm sorry!" Lincoln looks at him. "Pool close at 10." He growls. Lincoln nods and grabs Octavia getting her out. She frowns and goes to walk away. "Oh no." He pulls her back and throws her over his shoulder. "LINCHOE!" She yells and slaps him. "Put me down!" She yells. "Let's go guys." He looks at the kids and starts walking to the hotel. They follow him and stare at Octavia. "What are you looking at." She looks at Julianna. She shakes her head and shrugs. "Stop looking at me child." She frowns. "alright Octavia." Lincoln puts her down at the door. "Oh hi." She looks at Lincoln and smiles wrapping her arms around his neck. "Hey." He smiles and opens the door. She looks at the kids and giggles. "I had sex with him." She giggles. Lincoln's eyes grow wide and he turns to look at her. "And it was gooo-" he slaps his hand over her mouth. Julianna gags and jumps on the bed. Jayden stands there confused. Octavia stands in front of Lincoln with his hand over her mouth and then grabs onto his arm. He pulls his hand off her mouth confused and then she throws up over him. "EWWWW!" Jayden yells. Lincoln brings her to the toilet and she throws up again. He stands up and looks at the kids. "Jules, Can you go to the lobby. Ask for another room. Bring jay." He tells her. "But-" she stands up. "Por favor. Estare ahi pronto." He tells her and she nods taking Jayden's hand.

They leave the room and Lincoln walks over to Octavia. She sniffles and then looks up at Lincoln. He helps her up and takes off her clothes full of puke. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "It's ok." He starts the shower and cleans her. He walks out and cleans the floor and then takes off his own clothes washing himself.

He changes into pyjamas and changes Octavia as well. He puts her hair in a braid and gives her Advil and a glass of water. "Im so stupid." She sighs. Lincoln cups her cheeks and kisses her forehead. "No. I love you." He picks her up and closes the lights grabbing their things and walking out of the smelly dirty room. He walks to the room the kids are in and quietly walks in. The lights are off and Julianna and Jayden are cuddled together asleep in a bed. Lincoln walks over and lays Octavia down. He quickly kisses Jayden and Julianna and then lays beside Octavia. She cuddles up to him and closes her eyes. "I love you too." She tells him before falling asleep.

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