Chapter 47

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"Babe I'm going out." Octavia runs out the house before Lincoln has a chance to ask where she's going. "Oookay...." Lincoln scratches his head a little confused.

Octavia drives to the fire station and walks inside. She walks over to Jaha's desk. "Hello Mrs. Blake. What can I help you with." He says not looking up at her. "Hey. I know you fired Lincoln, don't you think he deserves another chance?" She says. "I have given him many chances Octavia. He's been late multiple time and we can't take any risks." He says. "He was barley late, and that was my fault. I couldn't pick up the kids!" She tells him. "I'm sorry." He says and stands up. "Wait please. He needs this job we have two kids! He kept us together." Octavia walks around his desk. "There are many other jobs out there." He says. "Ok look. Lincoln loves his job, he has dedicated so much of his time to this place, and I know he's been a little off lately, he is a father to two amazing children and he will always put them first. That's just him. He has been here for 10 years, this is his second home. He needs this, he has lost so much don't take this away from him too. He is a an amazing guy, he deserves the world and more.... if you don't see that then I'm sorry." She tells him and turns around walking away. Jaha opens his mouth to speak but then stops and watches her leave.

     Lincoln's at home playing X-box with the kids when Octavia walks in. "Hello." She says closing the door. No one answers. She walks over in front of the tv and waves her hand. "Hellooo!" She yells. "Mommy!" Jayden squeals moving around her. "O!" Lincoln stands up. "Oh now you see me!" She looks at them. "Haha I won!" Julianna laughs dropping her controller. "Ugh no fair." Jayden grunts. "Still no one cares I'm home?!" Octavia pouts. Lincoln chuckles and lifts her off her feet hugging her. "I care. I Missed my monkey." He tells her. "Mhm I'm sure." She frowns. He kisses her cheek and puts her down. "Guys come give your mother a hug and show her you missed her." He says. Julianna and Jayden both walk over and hug her.

     Lincoln's phone rings and he sees it's Jaha. He walks outside and answers. Octavia walks to the kitchen and opens the freezer pulling out ice cream. She hops up on the counter and and starts eating.

    Lincoln walks back in the kitchen. "Who was that?" She asks licking her spoon. "It was Jaha." He says. "What'd he say?" She asks. "He ah.. he gave me my job back." He looks at her shocked. "Really? That's great." She says. "Yeah, and he's promoting me." He says. "Wow. That's amazing." She hops off the counter. "I know. I don't know what happened." He shakes his head. "Well whatever happened is good." She says. "Yeah, it's amazing." He says still shocked. "You deserve it." She says pecking his lips then passing him to the living room.

     That evening, Julianna went out to the movies with some friends and Jayden went over to play with the twins. Octavia was in the kitchen listening to music making a salad while Lincoln was upstairs taking a shower. He came downstairs and walked into the kitchen singing in Spanish to the song. Octavia chuckles and continues cutting the lettuce. "Ven a bailar mi amor" He starts dancing holding out his hand. She smiles and puts the knife down taking his hand. He moves her hand and dances and she slowly starts to dance. "Ba-ba-ba-ba-baila y placata" He sings loudly and walks closer to her dancing. Julianna walks in and shuts the door. "What the heck are you guys doing" she looks at them so weirded out. "It's the cha cha duh." Lincoln says and twirls Octavia out. Octavia giggles and twirls again backing up to Lincoln. He grabs her hips and they grind against each other dancing to the music. "And this is one of the many reasons I don't invite my friends in..." she raises her eyebrow. Octavia laughs and turns down the music. "Their loss. We're cool." She says and shrugs. "Totally." Julianna leans against the counter. Lincoln smiles and walks behind Octavia leaning against her back placing his head on his shoulder. "I think we lost our coolness when we had kids." He tells her. "Excuse me. Maybe you did. But I'm still cool." She frowns. "Mhm." He mumbles. She turns around to face him and pouts. "You don't think I'm cool!" She looks at him. "Babe, I know you're cool." He tells her. "Mhm." She raises her eyebrow. He smacks her butt and mimics her. "Mhm." He chuckles.  Octavia laughs and turns around pushing him back with her butt. "Let me finish supper now." She tells him mixing the salad. "Are you sure Im not adopted... you can just tell me." Julianna says. Lincoln raises his eyebrow. "What?! Why do you think that?" He asks. "Why was I born in Spain and not Jay. Why did I call you Lincoln...." she looks at him. Lincoln clears his throat and leans against the counter. "Nobody tells me anything around here! Is he even my real dad!" She shouts. "Yes he's your dad! Julianna we aren't discussing this." Octavia shakes her head. "O. It's ok. I think we should." Lincoln looks at her.

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