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"Gardina, How could you do this?" Proof yelled causing me to flinch back at how angry he sounded.

"Deshaun,  how are you here?" I squeaked, absolutely stunned that my brother was standing in the middle of my bedroom with a very upset frown and furrowed eyebrow's to match.

"That ain't important, why are you all hyped up on drugs?" He asked his voice worried and desperately pleading for some type of explanation which I wasn't even sure I had, why was a addict? Did I like taking drugs? No. Did I think it was fun or cool? No. Did it make me feel any better at the end of the day? No.

So why did I do drugs?

"I don't know." I sighed realizing I really didn't have a good excuse.

Besides the fact I missed him so much, and I feel like his death was completely my fault.

"Gardina,your my sister and I love you, but you gotta stop this." He said.

"I know, but how!?" I shouted hands clutched in my fist as everything around me began to blur and fade out.

"Trust him." He said.

Trust him?

Trust who?

"Deshaun, trust who?" I frantically asked as I began to see him fade away from me.

"You already know, good luck sis." He said as he completely faded away leaving me dumbfounded and saddened that I had lost him yet again.

That's when my eyes shot opened and I realized it must've been a dream, but it felt so real?

"God i'm tripping.." I sighed.

 I was breathing rapidly and I was covered in sweat like I had just jumped into a pool. My clothes were completely stuck to my body and my head throbbed like someone was using a jackhammer inside of my skull. And to make matters even worse I suddenly felt completely sick to my stomach. 

I quickly shot out of my bed and ran to the bathroom toilet where I proceeded to vomit every single last thing I had eaten the previous day.

"Uhg I hate salad." I groaned vomiting up some more green substance.

After I was finished I still felt terrible, I was beginning to shake a little and my sweating didn't stop like it usually did.

Were these withdrawals?

If so..this was unfathomable to what I thought it would've been like, this was like hell on earth.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 4 'clock in the morning and I realized that Marshall and that lady doctor must've still been asleep. 

"Now would be a good time to get outta here a while.." I thought.

I quietly decided to slip on some fresh clothes and my coat as I walked out my room and tip toed through the halls to down stairs where I quickly came to learn Marshall was in the living room dead asleep as the TV was watching him instead.

"Crap.." I whispered trying to quietly walk past him to the door.

I continued tip toeing through the dark but I couldn't really see since it was so dark, the tv being on only permitted so much light, and so next thing I knew I was tripping face first onto the ground creating a loud noise along with my yelp that was high enough dog's in the neighborhood probably heard it.

Marshall shot up from his slumber and quickly looked around, "What the hel-" He looked down to see me and immediately frowned.

"Uhh..hi, nice to see you..enjoy your sleep?" I asked nervously as I stood up to face him.

Halfway House (A Eminem interracial love story) #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now