Mama Jodie and Medicine

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Marshall's P.O.V

I couldn't believe I was currently being held up against a brick wall on this cloudy dreary raining morning, with no witnesses and a gun pressed up to my head.

"You don't belong in this area white boy." The man growled, his breath right on my face, it reeking of dried alcohol and cigarettes.

"I live here man." I said defensively.

"Not for long whitey."  He sneered pressing the gun closer to my face causing me to shake back and forth like a leaf.

Was this really how I was gonna die?

Kim would never hear from me again..Hailie wouldn't have her dad, Nate wouldn't have his big brother no more..

How did I end up like this?

"Hey let him go Franky!" A woman's voice shouted from behind him.


That voice sounded familiar.

The man turned around, but still kept a tight grip on my coats collar, not showing any signs of potentially letting me go just yet.

"Gardina, what you want, i'm busy!" The man holding onto me snapped.

"That's my friend, let him go!" She said strictly.

"You know this white bastard?" He snarled turning to meet my wide eyes.

"Yeah, he's cool let him go." She repeated.

"He was trying to steal some scrap off my street, didn't nobody tell him to touch it." He growled venomously at me as his grip got a little tighter on my collar.

"Franky, let him go before I tell the police you were the one that robbed that corner store a month ago." She threatened.

"Yo..hold up, we ain't gotta tell all that now." He said putting the gun down.

"That's what I thought, now beat it Frank." She warned shooing him away.

The man released my collar and sent me a dirty look as he tucked his gun in his pocket and walked fiercely down the street.

I wiped my bloody nose trying to stand, but it hurt since he had repeatedly punched me in the ribs earlier.

"Hey you alright, what are you even doing out here on this side of Detroit?" Gardina asked hurrying over to me and helping hold me up.

"Me? What are you doing over here?" I asked her holding onto my rib cage.

"That's none of your concern, look let's get you looked at." She sighed helping me walk.

"We're going to a hospital? I can't afford a medical bill." I said.

"Not the hospital, c'mon." She said as we continued to walk to God know's where.


"Okay we're here, make sure you take off your shoes when you enter the house." She said.

I nodded, "Who's house is this?" I asked, not remembering seeing this house, or even knowing the people who lived here.

"Mama Jodie." She simply said turning the knob on the door, which immediately allowed us entrance as we made it into the house.

I took off my shoes like she had instructed earlier, and she did the same as she called out for this woman I had never heard of.

"Mama Jodie!" Gardina yelled placing her shoes by the door as I did the same.

I looked around the house and it was filled with all sorts of things to look at, African American paintings, little elephant statue's all sorts of rugs on the ground of different colors. The incense sticks lay in little holders all over the place, probably trying to mask the feint smell of weed I could still smell lingering within the room.

Halfway House (A Eminem interracial love story) #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now