I Loved You and I Love you

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"This is all your fault." Marshall mumbled next to me as we both sat across from each other tied up in separate chairs.

"My fault!?" I snapped.

"Yes your fault! If you had of kept your big mouth shut we wouldn't be in this mess!" He angrily hissed.

"Oh excuse me, for being angry at the man who's been lying to me forever!!" I argued.

"It was for your own good!" He insisted.

"Oh really? For my own good?" I rolled my eyes, not believing how ignorant he was.

"Do I have to repeat myself every frickin sentence or are you deaf!?" He angrily seethed. "Yes for your own good, you were an addict Dina, and you still are! You wouldn't have been able to handle detoxing and huge changes to your life at the same time!" He insisted.

"I couldn't handle it? Or Maybe YOU couldn't handle coming to the realization you had two drugged up baby mama's to deal with." I scoffed.

"You know what your problem is?" He chuckled darkly.

"No, but i'm sure you gonna tell right? Cause if there's one thing your good at is being a manipulative bastard." I muttered.

"You just can't handle the fact that somebody actually gives a damn about you." He said.

"That couldn't be further from the truth." I dismissed shooting him a dark glare.

"But it is the truth, cause once you take that into consideration, then you actually gotta try right? You actually gotta be the person I know you once were and your too scared to do that, so you continue to act immature, you continue to get high, you continue to blame everyone but your ownself, Zuriel needed a mom, and what were you busy doing? Getting High and laying around in anybody's bed who would except you." He bitterly said.

"Yeah but you were one of them so what does that make you?" I hissed.

No one P.O.V

There was a sudden pause that filled the room, with every second that passed it only intensified as everything they hadn't said or were afraid to say built up over time.

He sighed looking down at his tied up wrist and then back at her as she looked at him with accusing eyes.

"Probably the only man that ever loved you besides Lanelle." He said lowly. "But I think you already knew that..Probably before I did." He said.

Another pause filled the room as Gardina stared at him in an a ray of emotions, mostly confliction and confusion.

"You..said loved..so what does that-"

"I think it speaks for itself, Dina I loved the person you once were and honestly i'm still in love with her, but not this person before me, not the drug addict who's afraid to be herself, not the one who's scared of being loved or returning love to anyone else." He answered swiftly his eyes never leaving her perturbed ones.

"So you love me..but you don't?" She asked confused.

"Why are you making this so difficult!?" He exclaimed.

"Cause you don't make sense!" She yelled back tired of him yelling.

"Fine then let me make it perfectly clear! Gardina Verena Holton, I loved the old you and I love You still!" He huffed angrily.

"You don't sound like you love me, you sound pissed." She observed awkwardly.

Marshall sighed looking over at the big guy across the room guarding it to make sure they didn't escape, but the guard seemed to be enjoying their back and forth conversation as he grabbed himself a metal chair and was munching on some Dorito's.

"Can you please just shoot me now and end this misery?" Marshall. sighed.

"Nah man..But I feel you homie, my girl do the same crap." The guard empathized, "I told her I ain't buying her no more outfits until she learn how to cook." He said.

Gardina rolled her eyes.

"Wow you'd rather die than talk with me?" She accused.

"I've been trying, but you keep acting stupid, look we might die in a few minutes can't you be serious for a change!?" He pleaded.

"Serious about what?" She bluntly asked shifting around a bit in her seat, having an idea where this conversation was about to go.

"Do you love me back?" He asked sounding stressed over the entire conversation, which she really couldn't blame him, she had drug it out on purpose just to avoid this one question that should've had a simple answer.

But it didn't.

 A few awkward seconds passed as no one said nothing for a while and the only sound that could be heard was the guard's munching.

"So you love this white boy or nah?" The guard asked continuing to munch.

"It's not that simple." She muttered.

"Why?" Marshall asked growing impatient.

"Cause its not!" She snapped.

"I think its simple...you either love him or you don't." The guard interjected.

"Would you shut up and eat your damn Corn chips?" Gardina bit back.

"Their Dorito's.." The guard said waving the bag.


"I don't know okay!?" She huffed frantically. "I never asked for any of this! I never asked for Proof to die, I never asked for you to start catching feels over a one night stand we had!" She blurted.

"My feelings for you go way further back than that night, but was that the night that confirmed it? Heck Yeah, It was that night I realized we needed each other, we had both lost someone special to us, and I knew if I could count on anyone to make me feel better it would be you, But as for when I loved you first? I think it was that night you broke down crying in the kitchen over Lanelle going too prison and revealing your pregnancy to me, You were so vulnerable, and your guard was down, You weren't that sassy angry girl unleashing hell upon the world, you were completely you, and that's the woman I loved, the woman I still love and want back more than anything, not because Proof wants me to help you, not because you need me, but because I want too be that light when your in the darkest of places. Cause that's what you were too me when I was growing up." He Revealed.


"Oh my God that's so beautiful!!" The Guard cried grabbing a tissue box off of this old box. 

"I-I don't..." Gardina stuttered shaking her head.

"Don't what Dina just say it?" Marshall sighed in annoyance.

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"I don't love you." She said plainly and a bit strained as the words felt foreign coming out of her own tongue.

Another silence filled the room only this one was a bit dreary as even the guard appeared bummed.

"I'm Sorry." She said barely audible as she faced down trying to avoid looking at him at all cost.

She could hear him sigh as the room remained silent for a few seconds more, before she heard him whisper one word that was barely audible.



😩😩😩Dina why!? Hey guy's so what you think of this chapter? You think she was serious? Were you surprised with Marshall's confession? Let me know in the comment section below.

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