Dinner Dates and Accelerated Heart rates

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The next day I was awoken again my a knocking on my door and I wanted nothing more than to take a bat to whoever it was out there disturbing my sleep. A woman can't use drugs, can't see her kids, and now can't sleep. This world was cruel.

"Uhgg come in!" I groaned putting the pillow over my head as I continued to lay flat on my stomach hoping whoever was out there would just go away and leave me to my misery.

"Gardina, I heard what happened last night." Marshall said entering the room.

"Which part?" I asked dryly.

"There was more than one part?" Marshall questioned.

Oops..always putting my foot in my mouth.

"Nope, just one." I lied raising up from the bed and facing Marshall who was in some work out clothes.

"Kim shouldn't have said that to you, I apologize for her, sometimes she has her moments." He sighed sitting on the corner of the bed.

"Whatever it's fine." I yawned honestly already over the whole thing, I mean she wasn't wrong, I was literally high all the time.

You know that Tove lo song? Yeah it must've been designed directly after me.


"It's fine, now enough about me, how was partying with Snoop Dogg and every other celebrity in Hollywood?" I wondered.

"Same old same old, nothing too interesting." He shrugged.

"Uh huh, I feel like your lying." I laughed watching him roll his eyes.

"Nah, really I did all my partying in my earlier years, this was nothing but for publicity." He explained.

"Well your no fun." I sighed.

"Yeah but i'm still alive." He countered.

I didn't say anything because I already new what he was hinting at, but I still wasn't sure how I felt about giving up all the fun stuff like partying, hooking up with guys, all the while not having to feel guilty because I know with just one hit I wouldn't remember it the next day anyway.

Can't regret something you don't remember.

"Anyway how's your withdrawals been?" He asked suddenly, I could feel his eyes doing a once over on my body which normally I wouldn't have minded by guys but I knew this wasn't for any reason besides my health which made me feel all the more anxious.

"Well i'm throwing up less." I shrugged.

"That's good, any depression lately?" He asked really well focused on me making my skin crawl and my heart rate accelerate.

Why was I so nervous?

"No." I quickly touted.

"Alright, any anxiety?" He asked gently.

"Nope, I'm good so far." I lied just wanting all these questions to stop for I could go back to sleep or at least have some time to myself so I could shake those vivid nightmares of the night before that still stained my mind like mustard on white carpet.

"I think your lying." He frowned.

"I'm not." I insisted.

"Gardina, you know you can trust me right, that's why i'm your sponsor we've got to talk about how we're feeling." He said.

"I told you i'm good, how are you?" I asked shifting the question back onto him watching as lips thinned in the form of a straight line, and his hands clasped together in a thoughtful like way as he just stared at me.

Halfway House (A Eminem interracial love story) #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now