Family Meetings and a Pickle Jar

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"You did what!?" Hailie yelled.

"Yeah pretty much my reaction too." Kim said sitting down with her arms crossed.

"Dad, how could you!" Hailie continued ignoring her mothers whims and quips.

Marshall sighed knowing he had this coming once he called this family meeting into order but he had to since Zacarias showed up at Hailie's and basically put his entire situation on blast as a warning he really wanted his rap career moving, and soon. Now he was staring at some very angry and confused faces as he tried to conjure up some way to explain this situation.

"Look, I messed up alright, I didn't even know she was mine until a couple months ago." He defended gaining some scoffs and eye rolls across the room.

"Marshall I told you this was going to get out soon enough." Kim reminded.

"Would you shut your mouth, you ain't no help." Marshall bit back tired of her throwing in her little two cents every chance she got.

"Oh excuse me for being pissed that my ex husband has gotten our whole family thrown into some messed up scandal!" She sneered.

"So I have a little sister? YES!!" Whitney smiled thinking of ways to do her hair.

"Well this is definitely shocking news.." Alaina sighed.

"Bro..I thought you were smarter than this." Nate said his arms crossed during this entire conversation.

"Nate I don't need this from you too." Marshall bit gaining a head shake from him.

"Gardina was like my sister man, she always baby sat me when either you or mom were busy, it's too frickin weird that you guys hooked up and had a kid out this situation." He said.

"Really and this coming from the man who hooked up with that hooters chick only to realize she played you to get to me?" He scoffed gaining a middle finger from his brother.

"You better put that damn finger down." Marshall warned not tolerating any disrespect especially from his little brother that he had raised from a kid up.

"Or what? I'm a grown man bro, what you gonna do ground me?" Nate bated.

"Really you two are really gonna argue now?" Hailie yelled catching both of their attention. "You both are acting childish!" She yelled feeling sick about the whole situation.

"Hails.." Marshall frowned seeing the betrayed expression in her eyes which sent pains to his heart knowing he was the one that caused it.

"It's whatever, I already know what your going to say, keep this secret to yourself, don't talk to any news people or paparazzi, stay off social media, I know okay? So can you all just leave now?" She huffed not wanting her family in her apartment any longer.

"Hailie, I understand your upset but he's your da-" Kim was cut off by her daughter shaking her head.

"Yeah who's been keeping secrets from me, he always does this, he goes out and does something and doesn't put our feelings into consideration what so ever and i'm absolutely sick of it!" She cried feeling warm tears spill over her cheeks, her temper getting the best of her.

"Hailie.." Alaina frowned seeing her Uncles hurt expression.

"NO, I want you all to leave!" She huffed wiping some of her tears.

"Hailie what has gotten into you?" Kim asked her eyebrows furrowing she took in the upset and raging appearance of her daughter seeing some of her old self in the girl.

"Does it matter?" She sarcastically laughed out a sob. 

"Of course it does." Marshall angrily bellowed, mad that she would even think her feelings didn't play a role.

Halfway House (A Eminem interracial love story) #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now