Death of a Legacy

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Marshall's P.O.V

"So are we going to sign this or not?" John said leaning over me once more.

I looked over to Gardina who still layed unconscious on the floor, and wondered why she hadn't got up yet.

"She needs medical attention." I said through gritted teeth.

"Good thing we're in a hospital than right?" John smirked. "Now, the sooner you sign these papers the quicker we can all get what we want." He said waving them in front of me.

This man literally held my entire life in his hands, everything I've worked for, everything I achieved, in the palm of his hands and he wanted me to sign it all over to him.

"Mr. Mathers your girl friend over there isn't looking so good, and your brother seems to be bleeding out." He said.

I looked over to Nathan who was still moaning on the ground with Kim, Hailie, Whitney and Alaina all looking over him in disbelief.

"Last chance Marshall, sign these papers." He said lowly.

I snatched the pen out of his hands along with the papers catching him off guard.

"I am so sorry Proof, I wanted to protect your legacy, our legacy, but right now..our family is more important." I said a silent apology in my head as I quickly scribble my signature on the dotted line at the bottom.

John smiled as I handed the papers back over to him giving him a death glare as I looked him in the eyes.

"Pleasure doing business with your Mr. Mathers, i'm sure i'll be seeing you soon enough though." He said signaling to his men to file out.

I had no idea how they planned on escaping out of this Hospital with every kind of police reinforcement known to man kind down there but John was a smart man and had even smarter friends in high places. There was no way he hadn't thought this through.

"Time to go gentleman." John said as the men followed him out the door keeping their guns on us the entire time they exited.

Once they were gone Hailie, Alaina ran up to me engulfing me in a hug, "Are you alright dad!?" Hailie asked.

"I'm fine, you alright?" I asked looking her over and seeing nothing physically wrong.

"I'm fine, but Whitney.." Hailie said gesturing over to girl who seemed to be squinting in our direction stood next to Kim who patted her shoulder.

"She's blind Marshall, only temporarily the doctor says." Kim said. "John's men apparently tried to kidnap her and this guy saved her, but not before those assholes attacked her." She angrily said wishing she had just 5 minutes with John for she could strangle the life out of him.

I walked over to Whitney while Hailie and Alaina focused on Nathan and Gardina who  both needed a doctor immediately.

"You okay baby?" I asked Whitney cupping her face with my hands.

"I'm fine..everything's just..dark." She said. "How's Nate and Dina?" She asked, more worried about them then her own current predicament. It was that moment I had raised some very brave girls.

"We need to get them help Kim." I said looking at her.

She nodded, "Alright, but everything is still on lock down, we don't even have a single doctor in this wing of the hospital, they fled when John and his Suicide squad of gangster wanna be's strolled in." She said.

Suddenly we heard the door open and we all looked to see who the hell it could possibly be now.

"I believe you need a doctor?" She asked strolling in with a gun and what appeared to be medical equipment.

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