I'm Gonna Love You Through It

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This was my very first fan fiction so please don't judge too hard.


I'm gonna love you through it

Part one

*Selena POV*

I looked at my alarm clock as it boomed in my ear. 6:30 A.M. I sighed, swinging my legs off the bed. It was Wednesday, I winced at the thought of Wednesdays.

Wednesdays meant needles and medication and people staring at me rudely. I hated this. I hated being that kid. The one who sat alone at school because no one knew what I had to go through everyday.

I threw on my favorite pair of sweats knowing I would only be wearing them for a short time. I walked down stairs to see a note from my mom.


Sorry I had to work today. You know what you have to do.

Be good, and be nice. They are only trying to help you.

I'll see you when I get home.


I read the note before tossing it in the trash. I didn't know why every Wednesday I thought it'd be different. It never was. My mom had always working. I hated it.

It was days like this I wished my dad was here with us. Sadly, he passed away when I was about 2. I never knew him that well. My mom always said I was a lot like my dad. I see why more and more everyday.

After I finished my breakfast I got into my car and drove to the hospital. I blasted Call Me Maybe as I drove. I always tried to make the most out of my days, especially my hospital days. After I left the hospital id probably hit the waves try to clear my mind off all the bad memories from that day.

As I sat in my normal room I imagined what it would be like if I was normal. The doctors came in and started working on me as I kept thinking. If I was normal I could have a real boyfriend. I would wear normal clothes instead of a hospital gown. I would have friends outside of the hospital and live a happy life.

*Justins POV*

I sat in the studio as looked at my manger as he yelled at me. Scooter said I hasn't been doing enough work with the not so lucky people as he put it. I was being forced to go to a hospital and look at sick people. I could have been doing much better things today.

After lunch, I followed Scooter to the hospital in my car. I sighed as we pulled into the parking lot. I hated looking at sick people, not because I was some heartless punk but because I felt so bad. I wish I could help them. So I tried to keep my distance but I wasn't doing so well with that.

Scooter pulled me aside as I visited along the people. "Pick out a person. get to know them. Get close with them. The press and the fans will love that."

I turned around and pointed to a near by girl "How about her?" Scooter smiled and nodded.

Maybe this wasnt such a bad thing. Maybe I could give this girl what she needed and give the press what they needed at the same time..

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