Part 28

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I’m gonna love you through it

Part 28

 *Justin’s POV*

I didn’t know what came over me at the moment but after thinking I had lost her I couldn’t think of anything to do other than make sure that she was mine forever. She looked at me like I was crazy but I didn’t care.

"Justin, are you crazy?" She sat up straighter in the small hospital bed pulling her hand away from mine. My smile imminently went away turning into a frown. "We’re okay 18. You’re on a tour. I have cancer. And I-I’m not really for that. No Justin. No. I’m sorry no."

I took her hand back in mine. “You’re right. Let’s just focus on getting you better,” I smiled leaning up to kiss for forehead. I could feel her relax under my touch. I didn’t want to admit to her how hurt I was that she had said no so quickly. I wasn’t going to give up or even let her see me discouraged. I was going to make her my wife, and I didn’t care how long it would take.

The rest of the evening was spent in the hospital, talking. Thankfully my next concert wasn’t for another three days, so we weren’t in any rush.

Sel and I were laying on her bed together playing ‘Thumb War,’ when both my mom and Sel’s mom came into the room in a panic.  Sel looked from them to me with a shocked look on her face. “Oops, did I forget to mention that I had Scooter call you mom?” I smiled sweetly hoping she wouldn’t be too mad at me.

"Hi mommy." She said to her room who immediately rushed over to her hugging her tight in her arms.

"Selena Marie, you know you have to be careful. You almost gave me a heart attack. I thought I had lost you." She suddenly turned to me placing her hand on my arm smiling, "Thank you for taking care of her."

I smiled nodding my head as my mom came to my side hugging me gently. I hadn’t planned on Sel and my mom meeting this way but there was no way to take it back now. “Mom, this is Selena. Selena, this is my mom.” I give Selena’s hand a little squeeze, to let her know it was okay.

The biggest smile came across my mom face as she leaned across me to hug Selena, “I’ve heard so much about you. It’s so great to finally meet you. Justin hasn’t stopped talking about you.”

My head fell into my hands, hiding my face. I could just picture the look on Sel’s face as she spoke, “Oh does he?”

"Like you wouldn’t believe, like this one time…" She began before I quickly cut her off having no idea what embarrassing thing would come out of her mouth next.

"OKAY! I think that good for now. Good to see we won’t have a problem with you guys getting along. Mom this is Mandy, Selena’s mom" I introduced them.

"I’m Pattie. It’s nice to meet you, Mandy." She smiled warmly at Selena’s mom.

Mandy and my mom soon started talking about who knows what.  I was glad that everyone was getting along though.

"I’m glad they like each other," Sel said laying her head on my chest playing with my hands. "I really like your mom. She’s great." She laughed looking up at me though her thin eyelashes.

I chucked and rolled my eyes, making a mental note to myself to not leave those two long. I can picture it now. Us all sitting in my mom’s house her busting out the baby pictures before I could stop her. I was glad everything was starting to work out.

*Selena’s POV*

After I had met Justin’s mom the rest of the evening had gone very peaceful. Luckily, due to touring I was getting released in the morning as long as my private doctor promised to keep an eye on it and I promised to be careful and take it easy.

Once morning came around, Justin helped me make my way to the bus. Thankfully, the paparazzi hadn’t heard about the little accident yet so there was no one waiting outside the hospital.

Justin’s mom had decided to tag along on the bus until we got to Vegas, where Justin’s next show would be. My mom, being my mom had to fly back this morning to be able to make it to work this evening. I was so used to her not being there it didn’t even phase or upset me anymore.


After a long 16 hour trip we had finally made it to Las Vegas. I had never been here before, but I had heard lots of stories about it when I was still in school.

It was times like this, in the crazy city of Vegas, I was glad Justin’s mom was with us. After 16 hours of being trapped on a bus with someone you got to know them pretty well.

I could tell that Justin and Pattie had the relationship I had always wanted with my mom. They were very open with each other and always had time for each other unlike my mom.

Justin went through his routine just like he normally did. He ran through the songs did fitting for his outfits before chilling with me and him mom in his dressing room. I was glad that I got to see them interact up front and it made me smile to see hoe much they cared about each other.

Scooter came in for his 20 minute warning making Justin get up and put his mic on. There was differently a positive feeling in the air as we huddled around like a bunch of football players before a big game. Justin lead the group in our prayer before we all scattered heading in different directions getting ready for the start of the show.

In all honesty, I had even forgotten the wound on my head and the reason for getting it. I was so glad that Justin and I could be adult about it and grow from what had happened. I just hoped the ’Cupcake phase’ we were going through didn’t end soon. 

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