Part 17

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I’m gonna love you through it

Part 17 

*Selena’s POV*

Justin and I had been living together for about two weeks now. We had a few small fights here and there but it didn’t bother us.

My recovery had gone very smooth I had been doing much better. The doctors had said just a few more surgeries and few more sessions on chemo and I would be all better.

Justin had bees very optimistic about this whole thing. It had inspired this to write some pretty good song for his new album.

If he didn’t have a studio in his house he would never be here. Someone’s he had to go in to the office to sign off on paper work and other stuff. He usually brought me on the quick trips. I usually get bored and end up drawing him pictures for his office.

But as I woke up this morning and felt next to me Justin was no where to be found. I shot up in the bed calling out his name.

I got up walking down the stairs as I continued to call, “Justin?”

I walked over the his small recording studio are saw him in the glass writing as he recorded part of the song he was writing.

I pulled over the chair and sat as I watched him so deeply in his work. I love how passionate he was about his music and his fans. I could see it made him happy to write.

He looked up to start recoding as smiled embarrassed as he was me sitting there watching him. He smiled and took off his headphones and came out of the tiny studio.

He came up behind me and slowly started to kiss my neck making me blush. “How long have you been spying on me?”

I smiled and turned in his arm wrapping my arms around his neck, “I wasn’t spying I was observing.” I giggles and kissed him softly.

*Justin’s POV*

I smiled and kissed Selena softy smiling. “I have to run to the studio, wanna come? It will just be real quick.”

I grabbed the keys and looked at her as she nodded. I picked her up in my arms carrying her to the car opening the door and setting her down softly.

I gave her a quick kiss before closing the door and getting in the drivers side. I held her hand as we drove in silence.

We pulled up to the office and we both got out and headed inside. Selena went back to my office and I sat in the board room with Scooter.

“Justin, how many times do I have to tell you leave her at home? This is work, she’s your personal life, leave them separate.”

I rolled my eyes I was so tired of him putting Selena down. He didn’t even know her.

I signed what I need and called Selena to go.

She came down the hallway smiling “I put something in your office. Next to the ones I drew. This ones prettier though. You can look next time.”

Selena was always so sweet. Doing anything for everyone and never complained.

I smiled and kissed her “Thank you baby,” smirking as I glared back at Scooter.

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