Part 23

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I’m gonna love you through it

Part 23

*Selena’s POV*

I woke up early because I couldn’t sleep once I had realized the date.  Today was June 9. Every year when this day came around I would do the same thing. Wake up early mope and cry all day, remembering all the memories of my dad.

Justin had never been with me before on this day and I knew this would be hard from him to see me so hurt over my dad.

I turned off the muted TV and slid out of Justin’s arms and headed towards our huge master bathroom. I slipped out of my clothes and hopped into the glass shower. I decided I would take my time seeing it was only 4 in the morning. I let the hot water run down my face letting it relax and loosen all my muscles.

Once I was fully cleaned and relaxed, I got out of the shower wrapping the large towel around my petite body. I quietly made my way to the closet looking for something to wear to go visit my dad. Once I settled on a black lace dress, I went down stairs and started to clean our already spotless house.

I finished the dishes before it was even 6 in the morning. I slumped into the sofa and wrapped a blanket around me and turned on a movie waiting for Justin to wake up from his day off to go to the graveyard.

Once my movie was over it was about 8 and i decided now was a good time to wake up Justin and prepare him for what to expect today.

I made my way up to the room and sat on the bed gently shaking Justin awake. “Love, wake up. We have busy day ahead. We have to go visit my dad’s grave get up.”

"Mmmmm…" he mumbled opening one eye looking at my black lace dress. "I’m up."

He got up and threw on a black shirt and red supra. I took the keys to my Range Rover and walked out the front door. Normally, I would have Justin drive but he didn’t know where the grave site was.

Justin held my hand knowing how hard this would be for me. He rubbed small circles with him thumbs on my hands as the tears came to my eyes as we got closer to the grave. Once we pulled in, I was full on balling. I honestly didn’t know if i could handle it at this point. Justin got out of the car going over to the driver side to help me get out.

Justin and I had stop along the way and got some flower. Justin handed them over to me as we walked into the gate of the graveyard. Once we made it to my dad’s grave, I dropped to my knees, crying.

*Justin’s POV*

It killed me to see Selena in so much pain. I leaned next down rubbing her back softly as she cried her heart out. I knew that it scared her that her dad died so young to the same kind of cancer she had. I also knew that she missed her dad more than she would ever tell me or anyone for that matter.

Once her crying became more controlled, she placed the flowers on his grave. I placed her on my lap, and she put her head on my shoulder.

"My mom used to tell me stories about my dad, since I was too young when he died. My mom told me I used to be a big daddy’s girl," I saw her smiling a bit. "She said I would refuse to go to bed until he came to put me to bed. I don’t remember him at the much but I know I loved him very much."

We spent hours talking about all the memories she had of her dad. I knew I should do something to remind her of hoe much her dad loved her and how he was still with her even though he wasn’t physically her

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