Part 26

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I’m gonna love you through it

Part 26

*Selena’s POV*

After that night in Phoenix, thing with Justin and I had never been better. We had done five more concerts and everytime was flawless. I was so beyond proud of him. I would never tell him this but I could actually see myself marring him.

Today was a travel day, which meant all day crammed on a bus with Justin and a bunch of his friends.

I was surprised how much work it was to actually make a tour happen. Justin had already had to begin working on the next album while still doing this tour. I laid my legs across Justin’s lap as he talked to Scooter about the next album, falling in and out of sleep. All of a sudden, Justin leaned over to kiss my head softly, bringing a smile to my face.

"Hey love? Can you do me a favor?"

I sighed and nodded my head slowing swinging my legs off his lap. “Theres a binder in our room with a bunch of business papers in it. Can you get me the one about the next album?”

I got up dragging my feet to the back of the bus. I grabbed the huge binder filled with paperwork, sitting on the bed flipping through each one skimming them quickly to find the one Justin needed.

I stopped upon a page toward the end of the binder, noticing it was different then the other paper in the binder. I noticed right away that it was from Scooter in another business meeting. I slid the blue paper out of the sheet protector and held it in my hands, reading it thoroughly.

I felt the tears well up in my eyes as I finished reading the notes that were sprawled across the page. This couldn’t be right. There had to be some mistake, I told myself over and over reading the notes on the page. ‘Spend more time with cancer patient,’ one part read. ‘Get close to them = points with press and fans = more money.’ The date read one day before we met.

I was going through every emotion possible, anger, betrayal, sadness. My whole relationship with Justin had been a lie. How could I have been so stupid? To actually believe someone like Justin Bieber could be in love with someone like me. And to thing all this time I was afraid people would think I was using him when this whole time he had been using me. To boost his image. To make himself look good.

Just was I was wiping the tears from my face, Justin came in with the stupid smile on his fake face, “Did you get lost?” he chuckled thinking he was so funny. As soon as he caught a good look at me he came to my side trying to comfort me. “Love, are you okay? Is it the cancer again?”

"Get away from me Justin." I said slowly moving myself away from him. I got up from bed throwing my suitcase on the bed and started to throw everything that was mine into it. "I’m done. I’m so done, Justin."

"Sel? What is going on?" He tried to calm me and I just couldn’t handle it anymore.

"Did you honestly think I wouldn’t find out? Do you think that little of me?!" I screamed not caring who heard at this point. Tears of anger streaming down my face, I couldn’t control it, and at this point, I didn’t care anymore.

He eyes fell upon the paper, putting his face in his hand. “Oh that’s right. You’ve been caught. Did you honestly think that living this lie was going to last?!”

"Selena, listen. It’s not what you think really. This looks worse than it is." He took a step towards me, causing me to move two steps back. Before he could come any closer I turned heading towards the door.

Justin gently grabbed my elbow, “Sel please. Let me explain.” I jerked my elbow away causing me to slip.

Then everything went black…

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