Part 33

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I’m gonna love you through it

Part 33

*Selena’s POV*

Justin had somehow made a 180 and started spending more time with his brother and sister and dad. I was glad that he was spending more time with us but I couldn’t get the sound of the woman’s voice through the phone, out of my head.

I hadn’t been able to talk to him one-on-one yet, but I knew I needed to soon, or I was going to go crazy.

“Justin,” I said tugging on his shirt like a little child, “Come to the room with me. We have to talk.”

“Babe, later. Jax and Jazzy want to go to the park.”

“Now,” I was so tired of being the push over. I turned not waiting for an answer and stormed off to the guest bedroom.

I slumped onto the bed and rubbed my belly trying to calm down. Justin walked in with a confused expression on his face. “Sel, what was that? You’re going to act like that in front of Jazmyn and Jaxon like that? It’s not a very good example Selena.”

“Justin shut up and listen to me. I heard a girl on the phone with you the other day, and I want the truth now. Are you cheating on me? Is that why you haven’t been around lately? I can handle the truth Justin.”

He got up and went over to me. I scooted away from him, “Justin! Just tell me!”

"Sel, I would never ever ever ever cheat on you. I would rather die than cheat on you."

I wasn’t buying it. I was going to need more than that to be able to believe it. “Than what were you doing with that girl?”

"I…I can’t tell you."

"I knew it. I knew you were cheating on me! What’s her name? Is she prettier than me? Is she not pregnant?"

"Selena Marie Gomez, listen to me. I was getting you a present. That’s why I can’t tell you who it was. I was in no way cheating on you. I can’t believe you would even think I was capable of that."

I took a deep breath calming myself. I can’t believe I accused him of cheating on me. I knew he would never hurt me like that and I know by saying that I had just hurt his feelings. “Justin…look, I’m sorry okay? I hear the people talking all the time. ‘Why is he with her? He could do so much better,’” moving my hands to make quotation marks. “And after the whole pregnancy thing, I just figured you couldn’t take it anymore. I mean it never made sense for you to love. I’m sorry for accusing you of cheating on me. It was wrong and I’m sorry,” by the time I had finished my little speech tears were rolling down my eyes.

I looked up when I heard a sigh escape his lips. He didn’t look mad anymore; he looked sad. He pulled me onto his lap and started to rub small circles on my arm. “Baby, I love you. So much. I don’t care what anyone has to say or think about it. Its their life. It’s not their choice. It’s mine and I chose you. And I will never give up on you. Not through cancer. Or an accidental pregnancy. No matter what I will be there for you, because I love you. To the moon and back.”

Tears were streaming harder down my face. I couldn’t believe I had found someone as great as Justin, to hopeful spend the rest of my life with. “Justin, yes.”

*Justin’s POV*

"Justin yes," she whispered softly in the crook of my neck.

I looked at her confused looking, pulling back a little to look her in the eyes. “Yes what?”

"Yes I will marry you." I smiled and laughed a bit. I slid her off my lap and pulled the black box out of my pocket.

I looked at her with the biggest smile as I began to talk. “We’ve known each other for almost a year now and I can’t imagine being with anyone but you. You’re my soul mate. I want to have children with you and sit on rocking chairs watching out grandchildren play in the yard when we are really old. I want to spend forever with you. Through the ups and the down. Through the good and bad. I love you more than I could ever possible say,” I slid down onto one knee and opened the box. “Selena Marie Gomez, would you do me the honor of marring me?”

A smile as big as the one I was wearing came onto Selena’s face. Tears started rolling down her cheek and she started nodding her head. “Yes. A million time yes.”

She jumped off the bed and into my arms. I kissed her tenderly before pulling back and sliding the newly bought engagement ring onto her ring finger.

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