Part 38

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I’m gonna love you through it

Part 38

*Selena’s POV*

They wheeled me into a dark hospital room and I began crying out for Justin. No one I knew what here. Not scooter. No my mom or Pattie. I had no one.

I couldn’t do this alone. I refused yet they continued to prepare quickly.

 “NO WE HAVE TO WAIT!” I yelled over and over, yet no one listened.

Suddenly they put up a certain between my and my torso.

No. I refused to have the baby without Justin. They couldn’t do this to me.

Before I could object I felt the knife going into my skin and I screamed in pain. My eyes widened to see the doctor putting more medication in my IV. And the pain went down.

The room was soon filled with the cries of a baby before it went dead silent.

 I fraught to speak, “where-where’s bent?” I was able to choke out.

“We’re taking him to go get him check out since he’s so premature.”

Suddenly the room went dark.


When I woke up I was in a haze. The events of the earlier hours rushed back to my mind. My hand flew down to my flattened stomach knowing it was now real.

I looked over and saw I familiar face sitting in the chair next to my bed. He had his head in his hands.

I worked to find my voice. After a few moments I was able to whisper, “Scooter?”

Scooter looked up at me. “Selena. How are you feeling?”

 “What-what happened scooter? Where’s Justin? Where’s Bentley?” I started searching around the empty room.

“You passed out after you had Bentley last night and he’s in the nursery. He’s so cute, Selena. He looks just like you.”

That brought a smile to my face before I frowned thinking of Justin. “And what about Justin?”

“He’s still hasn’t woken up yet. But his heart is beating strong. Doctor’s said it’s only a matter of time before he wakes up.”

I could tell he was hopeful. I sighed, “What are we going to do about the rest of the tour. We still have a month left.” I looked at him waiting for his answer.

“I’ve already postponed it. We just have to wait for Justin to wake up. And as soon as he does I hired a doctor to watch Bentley so we can go back to L.A. so he can stay with y’all at the house.”

I nodded my head taking in the information.

Right at that moment, the nurse walked in wheeling Bent in. He was so small and he looked just like my dad when he was a baby. Especially the Latina features.

“I’m glad to see you’re awake, Ms. Gomez,” the nurse greeted me with a smile. “When can I get out of here?” I asked eagerly.

“Well, we made arrangements for little Bentley here but I’m assuming you won’t be leaving this hospital until Mr. Bieber wake up. But we can discharge you later today. And Bentley is ready to leave as soon and Mr. Bieber wakes up.”

Thank God. I needed to see Justin right away. I needed to hold his hand and talk to him. I needed to be there for him.


After 3 hours, they finally released me and I was able to go be with Justin.

I looked at Justin laying helpless on the little hospital bed. This was all my fault and I felt awful. I just wanted him to wake up and everything to go back to normal. Well, our normal. I wanted to finish this stupid tour and go back to our house.

I pulled the chair over to the side of his bed and sat down. I help on to his hand, rubbing little circles like he always did to me and I began talking to him. I had seen it done in movies so I figured might as well give it a try.

“Hey Jay. I miss you so much. I need you. Well a lots has happened. I had Bentley. He’s so cute and so little. He is forced to stay in this tiny clear box and I’m not even allowed to touch him.”

I opened my closed eyes when I felt a cold tear drop fall on my hands. I couldn’t handle this. Justin would know exactly what to do but me, I just couldn’t. I looked down at my new shiny engament ring and wondered what it would be like if there was never a wedding. If Justin didn’t wake up. If I was forced to raise Bentley all by myself. I was in no way ready to do that.

I shoved the horrible thoughts out of my head. Justin was going to live. He was going to wake up at any moment. I knew it. It was just a matter of time.

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