Part 32

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I’m gonna love you through it

Part 32

*Selena’s POV*

I had been doing a lot better with this whole cancer and pregnancy thing. I thought I would be more exhausted than I was but somehow I felt fine.

Justin was on his way back from picking up Doctor Bradford from the airport.

I hadn’t seen Justin too much on this little trip. He always seemed to have something to do and someone to go see and didn’t want to me to waste too much energy going with him. I didn’t blame him really. He didn’t get to see his friends often because he was too busy being ‘Justin Bieber’ instead of acting like the 18 year old guy he was.

So, I stayed at the house. On the plus side Jaz, Jax and I had gotten really close. They were the most adorable children. They always said used ma’am and sit when being talked to, which I thought only made them cuter.

Jax reminded me so much of Ronan, a little boy I used to see in the hospital when I was a bit younger. Most people knew his story because of Taylor Swift but thankfully, I knew him on a personal level. 

Before I could even begin tearing up about my lost friend, Justin pulled into the drive way. I went outside greeting them both, before going to the trunk pulling out the suitcase.

“What do you think you’re doing Sel?” Justin asked coming around the back of the car taking the luggage out of my hands.

“Justin, I was helping. I can still do stuff you know. I’m not a child,” I muttered quietly, rolling my eyes. When Justin was around he wouldn’t let me do anything for myself. At first, I thought it was really sweet and cute but after a while I became fed up with it. I was 18 and very much able to take care of myself.

We got inside and before I could even turn around I heard tired screeching on the driveway. Looks like hes off again, I told myself. After I helped Dr. Bradford put again her thing she began to look at me.

"Wow," she muttered to herself. Hearing wow from you oncology doctor was either something really really good or something really really bad. "You tumor has shunk to almost nothing. After this baby and a few more chemo sessions, you should be cured."

The biggest smile came to my face and I turned my head to rejoice with Justin, but he wasn’t there.

After she was finished looking I decided to call Justin and tell him the good news. After the phone rang four time he finally answered. “Hello?” he voice was off and distant.

"Justin, I have great news. The tumors strunk. I’m almost cured."

"Oh that great Sel," He sounded like he wasn’t even listening to me. Then I heard voices in the back. Female voices. This wasn’t good. Not good at all. "I have to go. I’ll be home later. Love you." Then the line went dead.

Love you? Justin never only said ‘love you.’ This was bad very very bad.

*Justin’s POV*

After Sel called me, I couldn’t recall what she had said. I kind of felt bad that I had been ditching her and not paying attention to her lately but I was so busy catching up with old friends and running errands and on top of that I know how little energy Selena had.

I sat at the table waiting for the lady to come back with the paperwork. I know I had been a real jerk to her so I was hoping this would all make up for it.

After sitting there for too long, she finally came back with the little box in her hands. I signed the papers quickly and reached for the velvet black box.

Sel and I had been dating for 9 months now and I re-fell for her everyday. She meant everything to me and I was hoping to prove that. We had had our dramatic ups and downs but nothing was going to stop us.

I drove home without the music on giving myself time to think. What was I going to say? What would she say? I really hoped everything would work out. I needed Selena in my life forever. She was my forever.

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