Part 34

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I’m gonna love you through it

Part 34

*Justin’s POV*

It had been a week since we had come to my dad’s house and unfortunately it was time for Selena and I to go home and start the tour.

I walked out of the bathroom, my hands full of our shower thing and dropped them onto the bed. I looked up from the pile of junk to see a tear drop from Selena’s eye onto her folded up hands.

I walked over to her and pulled her hands into mine, holding them tight. “Sel, are you okay? Is the pain back?”

Earlier this week Selena’s oncology doctor had told us that the tumor was almost gone, yet she continued to feel pain. I kind of felt bad that because Selena was pregnant, she wasn’t able to do Chemo like she needed in order to stop the pain. So she sat there enduring the pain for the baby. 

She shook her head mumbling, “I’m gonna miss them.”

I looked at her with a confused expression on my face. “Who baby?”

“Jazzy and Jaxon,” she stated softly.

“Oh baby, I’m gonna miss them too, but we can always fly them to wherever we are. And we can always FaceTime and Skype them. It will be fine. I promise.”

She nodded her head as I wiped the tears off her face. I kissed her forehead before beginning to pack again.


“Come here son,” My dad said pulling me into a tight hug at the all too crowded airport. “Take care of my future daughter-in- law and my grandson, okay?”

He, along with everyone else was ecstatic when we told them that Sel and I had gotten engaged.

“Of course dad,” I said as I stepped away from him allowing Sel to get her turn at a hug.

I hugged Erin softly and turned away from them pretending to walk off.

“Bieber! You forgot about me!” Jazzy yelled in my direction.

I ran back over to her scooping her up in my arm, attacking her face in kisses. “I could never forget about Princess Jazzy.”

I set her down and hugged her tight. “I love you Jaz,” I said to her feeling tears in my eyes.

“I love you too, Bieber,” She said and placed a kiss on my cheek softly.

I had to admit, I was going to miss them like crazy. This was one of the thing I hated about being ‘Justin Bieber.’ I missed seeing Jazzy and Jaxon grow up. I missed the milestone in their life. I never got to see Jazzy learn to ride her bike. Or watch as Jax learned to swim. I never got to be the big brother they deserved, and that killed me.

“You ready to go Jay?” Selena said pulling me out of my trance. I nodded and gave a final hug to Jaxon. “Love you buddy. Be good.”

I picked up our carry-on bag turning to wave at them.

“It’s gonna be okay,” Sel said rubbing my arm gently. I wiped the tear nodding my head.

*Selena’s POV*

We had only been back in L.A. for 3 hours before we had to jump back on the tour bus and be on our way for Justin’s next show.

The drive from L.A. had been a nightmare. Along the way I got 5 bloody noses and a happy hello from morning sickness. And the worse part: it was only half over.

“Are you sure you don’t want us to stop?” Justin said for the millionth time today handing me a towel as I rinsed out my mouth from throwing up.

“I’m fine, Jay. It’s just the pregnancy. It happens to everyone,” I said as I slid by him in our too small bathroom.

He began to follow me out and plopped down next to me on the bed. He pulled his lap top on the bed and opened the lid. “How about we call Jax and Jaz.”

A smile grew on my face and I nodded happily.

Justin clicked on the Skype icon on his desktop and clicked on Jeremy’s name. We wait only a short amount of time before Jaz, Jax and Jeremy popped onto the screen.

I smiled and waved at them. “Hey guys. We miss you so much!” I exclaimed.

“I miss you too Selly. I want you to come back. Daddy doesn’t play with me as good as you do,” Jazzy said looking at Jeremy.

I laughed softly before Jeremy began to speak. “How’s it going on the Bieber Bus? Is my boy behaving?”

I smiled a nodded, “He’s been heavenly.”

“See dad.  I can be good when I want to be,” Justin said sticking out his tongue at his dad.

Jeremy laughed and went on to the next subject, “How the baby? The pregnancy going okay?”

Just and I looked at each other before he took over speaking, “It’s been rough. Sel’s having pretty bad morning sickness.”

“You know, when Pattie was pregnant with you Justin, she had bad morning sickness. I remember she used to always have a can of ginger ale with her to help. It seemed to help her quite a bit.”

“I’ll have to try that. We’ll defiantly get that next time we shop,” I nodded making a mental note to myself.

We talked to Jeremy and the kids for a few hours before it began to get dark in Canada, which meant it was time for the kids to head off to bed.

“Goodnight! We love you!” Justin and I said as we ended the call.

I leaned back on the bed, feeling a bit tired myself. “It was nice talking to them again. I really miss them. I can’t wait to go up there and see them again.”

It was crazy how fast I had gotten attached to them. They were like the little brother and sister I had never gotten to have.

“They really love you. But no one could love you as much as I do Mrs. Bieber.”

“Oh, I love the sound of that. Selena Bieber. It has a nice ring to it.”

“It fits you perfectly.”

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