Part 52

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I’m Gonna Love You Through It

Part 52

*Justin’s POV*

“Sel, wake up,” I said gently shaking her. “Selena I have breakfast waiting for us, come on baby.” I leaned down kissing her cheek softly, but she didn’t budge. That was weird, Selena always woke up when I kissed her and she was a light sleeper to begin with.

Suddenly, I felt my stomach drop. I began shaking her harder and harder with no response. I felt tears fall down my face roughtly as I grabbed my phone off the night stand dialing 9-1-1.

“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?” the operator said calmly through the phone.

“My wife, won’t wake up. I shook her and shook her and she won’t wake up,” I cried through the phone.

“Sir, calm down. I’m sending an ambulance your way. In the meantime, can you check her pulse for me,” the operator in instructed.

I followed his directions grabbing Selena wrist putting my fingers where her vain was, feeling nothing. “I don’t feel a pulse,” I stated into the phone, crying even harder.

“Okay sir, I’m going to need upi to pump her heart until the ambulance gets there. They will take it from there,” he said.

I pumped her heart like told for a few minutes before the paramedic showed up running up the stairs taking my place. They began to pump just like  I had, while at the same time, putting her onto a stretcher. They began to take her down the stairs instructing me to go with them.

I ran down the hall grabbing Bentley from his crib before following them into the back of the van.

I grabbed Selena hand holding it tight in mine, “Come on baby, wake up. Please wake up. Come on we need you. Bentley needs you. I need you. Please Selena, please,” I whispered to her.

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