Part 42

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I’m gonna love you through it

Part 42

*Selena’s POV*

In all honest, I had been avoiding Justin all day. Today was the day I had promised Justin his answer about if I would open for the last part of his tour.

I had thought hard about it but I still had no idea what I was going to do. I think that I decided that when Justin finally caught up to me I would say the first thing that came to my head.

At the moment I was hiding in the laundry room folding some of Bentley’s clothes that I had washed the day before. I set all the folded clothes in a big basket. I opened the door and poked my head out making sure that the coast was clear before I darted out running up to Bentley’s room.

Before I knew it was safe up the stairs. I looked down the hall carefully before going into Bentley’s room to put away the clothes.

As I walked into his room, I saw Justin standing there rocking Bentley. I cussed under my breath knowing there was no way to get out of this now.

“We need to talk,” Justin said walking past me.

I set the basket down and followed him out the room and down the stairs.

Justin set Bentley down in his play pin and plopped down on the love seat.

I sat across from him on the longer sofa, trying my best to avoid eye contact.

After a few moments of silence, Justin decided to start talking. “So what did you pick?”

I figured acting dumb would buy me more time, “About what?”

Justin gave me the ‘I know what you’re trying to do’ look before stating, “About the opening act.”

Before I could stop the words from coming out of my mouth, I said, “Yes.”

He stood up and ran over pulling me into a tight embrace, “Thank you! This is going to be great I promise!”

I smiled a bit knowing that I had made Justin happy, but little did he know that after these last few concerts, I was never going to preform again. There was nothing anyone could say about it.


I sat in Bentley’s room and rocked him as he fell into sleep. He was really such a peaceful baby. I told myself to remember these moment, because I didn’t know how many more I would be able to have with him.

I hadn’t even told Justin yet, but these days, I wasn’t doing very well. I was throwing up blood multiple times a day, and I was just feeling so much pain.

I knew if I didn’t start treatment soon, I wasn’t going to live to see the end of the tour, or even see Bentley go to his first day of school, and that scared me.


Later that day, Justin sat in the living room watching TV while I decided to bake some cookies for us.

I put all the ingredients in the big bowl and mixed it. I got out a baking sheet and spaced the cookies out on the sheet. I set the cookies in the oven and put the timer on before going to join Justin in the living room.

I looked down at Bentley who was playing with a black little thing. I didn’t recognize the toy. “What’s that?” I said softly, taking the box out of bentley’s hand.

I rotated the little velvet box in my hands and opened it. Inside the box was a bright and shiny diamond ring.

I swallowed hard and turned to Justin who was smiling wide looking at me, “Justin…What is this?”

“Selena Marie Gomez, from the moment we met, I knew there was something special about you. You changed my life in the best way possible. You opened my eyes to things I had never seen. You made me a new man. These past few months with you have been the best months of my entire life. I can’t imagine my life without you. You know that I love you and Bentley more than anything. I would do anything for you guys. I know we’ve been through some rough times but we got through it together. I know that no matter what jumps in our way we can conquer it together. I know that I will never meet anyone more perfect than you. I know that I will never find someone that I love more than you. I want to spend forever with you. I want to wake up and hold you in my arms knowing that you’re mine and only mine forever. I can’t risk losing you. So, Selena Marie Gomez, would you do that honor of marrying me?”

I sat back on the sofa in utter shock. I hadn’t seen this coming at all. I couldn’t see myself with anyone but Justin. I couldn’t picture my life without him.

I let a smile grow on my face and I began to nod my head, “Of course, I’ll marry you, Justin.”

He smiled bigger than I had ever seen him smile before and he pulled me into a hug and kissed me with love.

I had never been the marrying type but with Justin everything was different, he made me believe in love again, and I couldn’t wait to marry him.

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