Part 48

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I’m gonna love you through it

Part 48

*Selena’s POV*

I smiled as I felt Justin’s strong but gentle arms wrap around me protectively. I smile against his chest before looking up at him. “This is the last night we will be sleeping together unmarried.”

He tilted his head to the side a bit, “What about tomorrow night?”

I let a small giggle escape through my lips, “You know the rules, Bieber. You aren’t allowed to see me 24 hours prior to the wedding. So tomorrow at 6 is the last time you’ll see me before walking down the aisle.”

He let a smile consume his lips and gave me a gentle squeeze. “I can’t wait to marry you, and call you my wife.”

I leaned my head back down into his chest hiding the fact that he had caused my face to blush a right red.

After a few moments of silence, I looked back up at him. “Are you nervous?”

He smiled once more and shook his head, “No.”

“Are you going to have a bachelor party?” I asked him. We had never really talked about the whole bachelor/bachelorette thing, and I was very curious.

He sighed a laugh, “Selena, bachelor parties were made for men who are sad to see there single day go, but me, I’m glad to get rid of them.”

I smiled and placed a soft kiss on his lips, “I love you.”

He kissed me again, however this time placing kisses all over my face. “I-” kiss-“love-” kiss “you-” kiss “more,” he said before placing a passionate kiss on my lips.

I was glad that even through everything that was going on we were still able to play around. Even when we had a child to care for and a tour to prepare for and a wedding to stress over and worrying about cancer, we still didn’t let it affect us.

After settling back down we laid there, holding each other and thinking quietly to ourselves. After a few minutes we both began to doze off, only to be startled awake by the sound of a screaming baby.

I sighed and unwrapped myself from Justin’s arm, “I’ll get him. He’s probably just hungry. You can go back to sleep.” I smiled and placed a kiss on his forehead before going down the hall into Bentley’s nursery.

I scooped him up in my arms bouncing him as I walked down into the kitchen. I hummed a soft lullaby while I made a bottle and plopped it into the microwave. Once the timer went off, I get the bottle out and placed it between Bentley’s open lips.

Being as stubborn as he was he resisted at first before giving in and letting the warm liquid go into his mouth.

I rocked him in my arms holding the bottle as he drank. I decided to use this chance to tell Bentley about how I wasn’t going to be around much longer.

I peeked around the down stairs area making sure Justin wasn’t around before I started to whisper to Bentley, “Mommy wants you to know that I love you very, very much. No matter what happens or where I go I love you. Mommy’s not going to be here for long but I wanted to tell you know how proud of you I am. I know you’re only a baby but I can tell that you have a bright future ahead for you. Your daddy is going to take good care of you. He’s going to love you and he’ll make sure to tell you how much I love you. He’ll tell you how proud I would be of you if I was still there. He’ll make sure to take you to football practice and baseball but you’ll also learn to sing and dance just like your dad. Your life with him will be good and full. Maybe one day, your dad will get remarried and have another kid or two, but you’ll be happy and loved and that’s all that matter. I just want you both to know that you are loved. Even if I’m gone. I will always  be in your heart. I’ll be watching over you. I’ll protect you from anything bad. I’ll be your personal guardian angel.”

Right as I finished my little speech to Bentley, he finished his bottle. I set the bottle in the sink and wiped away the tears that had fallen.

As I walked up the stairs, I looked at Bent who was falling asleep quickly. I smiled and hurried to place him in his crib.

Upon finishing that, I walked back to the doorframe of our bedroom and watched as Justin slept without a care in the world. I smiled and wondered down the hall to Justin’s little office he had made when he got the house.

I sat in his chair and glanced around the room taking it all in. As I looked around I saw a stack of blank paper and decided that maybe I should write letter to both Justin and Bentley for after I was gone.

After I wrote the letters, I placed them in his desk for him to find after I had passed. I knew that being away from the house when we were on the tour would be enough time for my body to finally shut down.

I sighed and wiped away the tears once more before standing up and making my way back to the arms of the man I loved. The man who in less than 72 hours, would be my new husband.

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