Part 22

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I’m gonna love you though it

Part 22

Justin’s POV

"SELENA MARIE GOMEZ WAKE UP!!!" I had been trying to wake Sel up for over 20 minutes now. We were really busy today and she needed to get up now or we were going to be late to everything we had set up for the day.

She groaned as she finally began to get herself up and ready for the day. I decided to pack all of our things from the hotel we had been staying in for the last few weeks while our house was being cleaned up from the robbery.

They had finally found the robber and all of our things with them. Lucky, it was just a crazed fan and now some creepy mass murder who could have done real harm to Selena and I that night if we were home.

This with Selena and I had been going great. We were stronger than ever and I was so grateful for that.

Unfortunately, I would be starting my tour in less than two week, which meant I would have to be away from Selena seeing that her doctors and stuff were all in L.A.

After a long time of packing and of Sel slowly getting ready, we were ready to go back to our house and start the rest of our day.

"Mom?" Sel asked as we walked into her old house. I had never seen Sel’s old house. I had never even met her mother, which worried me a little. I looked around the house, smiling was i saw all of the cute baby pictures of Selena that hung around the house.

Selena mom walked into the living room as she greeted us with a huge smile on her face. Selena didn’t look very much like her mom, even though her mom was very pretty and quite young. I had no room to judge seeing my mom got pregnant at such a young age as well.

"I’m Justin. It’s so great to finally meet you, Mrs. Gomez," I smiled warmly extending my hand. I laughed as she pulled me into a hug.

"You can call me Mandy, Justin. I’m so glad to be meeting you. I’m so glad Selena has found someone so great to take care of her. I just wish I would see her more often."

"You didn’t even see me much when I was living here," Selena muttered too low for Selena’s mom to hear. I could tell that Selena was still a bit bitter to her mom and that hurt me a bit, seeing her mom was the only one she had left.


Too soon Selena and I had too leave to make the dinner plans I made for the two of us.

As Sel got in the car I noticed she was acting different than when we had gotten there. She looked sad, and that made my heart hurt. I reached out grabbing her hand with my free hand. “Babe? Do you want to talk about it?”

She sighed knowing she had been caught. I don’t know why she even tried to hide her feeling when I could read her better than I could read myself. “I just didn’t realize how much I missed my mom. I never saw her all that much when I was there cause she was always working to pay off the medical bills that we had, but I-I-I miss her, Justin. She supposed to be my mom and she hadn’t been there for me as I want her to be. I’m sick of going to the Chemo sessions all by myself. I want my mommy.” At this point Selena was in tears.

Thankfully, we had pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, I moved my seat back and pulled her into my seat and rubbed her back as she cried into my chest clenching my shirt in her fists.

After a few moments, Selena had finally calmed down. I kissed her forehead softly brushing back the piece of hair from her wig that had lost its way. “I love you, Sel. Everything is going to be okay I am going to love you though everything.”

Selena’s POV

Justin always knew exacly what to say to make everything seem okay again.

Justin and I walked into the restaurant giving them Justin’s allias name. The hostest took us back to our table handing us our menus.

"What are you getting babe?" I asked him laughing at how concentrated he was on the menu.

"Um………Maybe the pasta?" He lauhged at himself and I laughed along with him.

The waiter came to our table to get our order. I noticed Justin’s fists were clenched on top of the table as the waiter walked away from us. “Jay what’s going on?” I asked unclenching his hand sliding my fingers in the spaces in between his fingers.

"He couldn’t take his eyes off of you," He said between his clutched teeth.

I bursted out laughing smiling bigger than I had the entire day, “Jay you’re crazy.”

"Sel, I’m serious, he was staring at you the whole time. You really didn’t notice him?"

"You the only person I notice, Justin." I smiled and leaned over the table to give him a kiss.

The rest of the night went smoothly. We spent lots of time holding hands, smiling, laughing and talking. It was honestly one of the best nights of my life and it was definitely the best date I had ever been on.

After paying the bill, Justin and I walked back into a simi-empty parking lot when Justin stopped dead in his tracks, and turned to me. “Dance with me.”

I looked around seeing no one around, “Justin are you serious?”

"Yes come on dance with me." He took me in his arms starting to twirl me around before holding me tight in his arms swaying back and forth. I laid my head on Justin’s shoulder as we moved. I loved Justin more than i had ever loved anyone before. I was so glad he found me that day in the hospital. Today was a dream come true, surely something I would never ever forget.




Comments? Suggestions? Questions? Feedback always welcome. Thanks you to all the people reading this still. Thanks for sticking around to read this. I have a lot of idea and I am always welcome to suggestions and help please don’t be afraid to let me know how you feel about my stuff. Thank you so much! Lots of love <3 XOXO (:

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