Part 37

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I’m gonna love you through it

Part 37

*Selena’s POV*

I woke up groggy and my head my throbbing. I sat up letting my eyes adjust to the lighting. I looked around the unfamiliar room. It was all lit by natural light from the windows on the roof. It was stormy out making the room more eerie.

Justin! Where was Justin? My eyes scanned the room quickly looking for Justin, but he was nowhere in sight.

How long had I been knocked out? The last thing I remember was getting out of the van before I felt nothing.

My hands were tied together behind my back, along with my ankles. I decided to crawl in search for Justin. I wiggled my way down the little opening between the rows of crates.

After crawling for quite some time it was beginning to get difficult with my stomach budging out and it was beginning to hurt my knees.

I crawled a little further and saw him lying there, unconscious. This was all my fault. I was the one who put is in this situation. I’m the one the he wanted. I’m the one who wanted to go for a walk. Everything was on me, and I felt terrible. 

Suddenly I remember before I left the arena I decided to slid my phone onto my pocket just in case. Luckily, my hands were tied behind my back so I was easily able to grab my phone. Now came the hard part, I had to try and to get to my phone icon on my screen.

Whilst in the middle of trying to get it I remember that after sliding the unlock bar there was an emergency call button. Now all I had to do was get that.

After many unsuccessful tries I finally got it. I looked over my shoulder catching a small glance at the screen before pressing the emergency button before pressing 9-1-1 then the green button. After it rang twice the screen went black.

Really? Now was the time my phone was going to die. Could this get any worse? I was forced to now sit here hoping and praying that Justin would wake up and we would be okay.

I learned my head against a nearby crate, watching Justin whispering a little prayer over and over under my breath.

Tears began to fall down my face leaving little stains on the concrete floor. I let the tears fall hard. I stopped dead in my tracts when I heard the all too comforting sound of a police siren. There was no possible way that it was coming to the warehouse seeing that my phone had died before I was able to get to talk to anyone.

The sound got close and closer before it stopped. I knew it was way too good to be true. It was nice while it lasted. I contained to let the tears fall before my heart jolted at the sound of a door being banged in.

“L.A. P.D. Anyone in here?!” a male officer yelled.

“Me. I am.” I choked out at loud as my dry throat would let me.

Before I could even blink, five cops surrounded me and the knocked out Justin.

One cop lowered his gun and untied my hands and ankles. My wrist and arms hurt from being stuck in awkward position for so long.

“We’re you the one who called us ma’am?” another bald man asked looking at me, while another called for an ambulance for Justin.

I cleared my throat the best I could before talking. “I tried to but right after I pushed the call button my phone die,” I stated looking at the officer who was talking to me. 

“We’ll it’s a good thing we were able to track you’re phone to find you’re location.”

I had no idea that technology was so advanced. Could it really be that easy that they were able to track my call within a few minutes and find me?

“Ma’am can you please explain what happened?”  he said looking at me with a pen and notepad in hand.

“We’ll Justin was preforming at Cowboy stadium and after the show we deiced to go for a walk and we went to the house I grew up in, when we are into a man who raped me a few months ago. He had a gun and threatened to shoot my baby. Then he shoved up in the back of a van and blindfolded us and knocked us out. I woke up today and went looking for Justin.”

“And this man who raped you, what was his name?” he asked looking at the pad writing things down.

“I-I don’t know.” I thought back on both times I ‘met’ him and he never said his name.

“Well the other offices checked the area and no one’s here.” Great now he’s on the loose again.

“And what about Justin? Is he going to be okay?” I asked, glancing at the ambulance that was pulling away from the warehouse.

“He’s going to the nearest hospital. We are going to need you to go to the hospital as well and just get checked out.”

I nodded my head and he led me to the ambulance that was coming up. I sat in the back while we drove to the hospital. I rubbed my stomach, hoping the odds would be in my favor for once.

We got to the hospital and they rushed me to a room checking mine and the Bentley’s heart rate.

“We need a doctor in her!” the nurse yelled out the door.

“What’s going on?” I asked as doctors poured into the room.

No one answered me when they put up the rails on my bed and wheeled the bed down the hall.

“Hello?! What’s happening?”

“The baby’s not responding. We’re doing an emergency C-section.”

What? No. Justin wasn’t here. I couldn’t do this on my own. I needed him.

Tears starting streaming down my face.  Where was Justin when I needed him?

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