Part 21

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I’m gonna love you through it

 Part 21

*Selena’s POV*

Justin and I walked into the office part of their building, with our hands intertwined. I was honestly so scared to face Scooter. I never knew why, but Scooter was just one of those people who the thought of them gives you chills. I knew it was silly to be afraid of him but he just intimidated me.

I already wasn’t feeling very good with what happened yesterday with the car, and last night at the house and my cancer decided now would be a good time to start giving me pain. But I had to put that all behind me and focus on fixing things with Justin’s boss no matter how long it would take and I had a feeling we would be here for a while.

"Scooter? You in here man?" Justin asked peaking his head into Scooter’s office space.

"Take a seat guys. I’m just finishing up this paper real quick."

I took the seat next to Justin, bouncing my legs up and down quickly from the nerves.

Justin looked over noticing and leaned closer to me whispering softly in my ear, “Relax, its okay.”

I nodded my head slightly and looked around Scooter’s office. It was just like any other working guys office. He had pictures of him and his girlfriend, Carin. He had many filing cabinets around his office for all of his different talents he worked for.

After finishing his paper, he turned his attention back to us. “What’s up guys?”

I opened my mouth to start speaking, but I didn’t know what I was supposed to say. Justin could see that I was struggling with this and he decided to take over.

"Scoot, Sel, you know i love you both so much," he said looking at both of us as we talked. "I want to be able to have you both in my life. I want to be able to not have to worry about taking Selena on tour with me because you two can’t seem to get along. I want to be one big happy family."

I sighed looking down at our hands still twisted together before I began to speak, “Scooter, I understand why you don’t like me. To be honest, I don’t even truly know why Justin likes me…”

Justin quickly cut me off after my little comment, “Sel you know…”

I quickly cut him off in response, “Shhh Justin, I’m trying to speak.” I smiled slightly when I saw I made Scooter laugh a bit. “As I was saying, I understand, I know I’ve been keeping Justin from work and I’ve been distracting him and I’m sorry. But I really love Justin and I will try my best to back off. I’m sorry I caused all of this,” I finished whipping a tear out of my eye.

I knew that I shouldn’t have been crying but I was one of those few people who cried when I was being confronted or when it was something I was very passionate about.

*Justin’s POV*

When I saw Selena start to tear up, I knew this was a bad idea. I felt bad for forcing this upon her.

I moved closer to her wiping the tears off her cheek. I gave her a soft simile rubbing my thumb on her hand giving it a gentle squeeze.

I looked up at Scooter as he sighed and started his speech. “Selena, I don’t hate you and I don’t not like you. I have been way too hard on you and on Justin lately and I’m sorry for that. I will try and loosen up. And to prove that, I would like to invite the two of you to dinner with Carin and I next week at our house.”

I saw the truth in Scooters eyes as he spoke looking at Selena. I smiled knowing that I would get these two to become closer.

“Thank you Scooter, we’ll be there,” I said as I started to stand and give him a ‘bro hug’ as Selena called it.

Selena stood up after me giving him an awkward ‘I’m sorry’ hug, before we left the offices to go back to the hotel and just spend time with each other.


The whole was silent, but it was the awkward kind of silence, it was the kind where we were both so deep in our own thoughts no one spoke.

As we went up to our room I noticed that Sel wasn’t acting like her normal self. I got in bed next to her, stroking her hair softly. “Sel, you okay, love?”


She looked as if I had broken her deep, deep train of thought and she sighed slightly to herself before she nodded her head a little.


“I know you better than that Miss Gomez.”


“It’s just the cancer, Jay. I’ll be okay, really.”

I could see right through that fake smile she had on. I figured the best thing I could do for her right now was to hum to her as she fell asleep. I hummed the song I had wrote for her that she found in my office that was afternoon and before I knew it she was deep in sleep.

Her comment about her not understanding stuck to me and I couldn’t seem to shake it. I honestly didn’t know if I could ever love someone as much as I loved Selena. I didn’t even know I was capable of this much feelings towards her. But I loved her and I would never stop. And I would make sure she knew that in every way possible.

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