Part 19

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I’m gonna love you though it
Part 19

*Justin’s POV*

I was sitting in the studio listening to the beat for my new single that was going to drop within the next few weeks, when my leg started tingling. I pulled out my phone, seeing Selena face pop up on the screen.

“Hey babe. What’s going on?”

“J-j-Justin…” she was sobbing so hard I could hardly hear her.

“Selena are you okay? Why are you crying? What’s going on?”

“Justin someone broke into m-my car and stole my i-insurance.”

I let out a sigh of relief knowing she was okay.  “Sel calm down it was just the insurance. It can be replaced no biggie.”

“You don’t understand. It had my address on it, our address, Justin.”

“Oh shit”, I sighed under my breath. “It’s okay Selena I’m sure the person who did it was just messing around. It didn’t mean anything.”

“I’m not staying in that house tonight Justin. I refuse.” I could hear how scared she was.

“Okay fine… We can… stay in a hotel tonight; I’ll hire extra security to come be with you while I work for the next few weeks okay?”


“Do you want me to come get you honey?”

She sighed before saying, “no its okay, I’ll just go to my mom’s house. I’ll be okay. Get back to the songs.”

“I’ll be home in 20 minutes tops okay?” and the line went dead.

I looked over and say Scooter looking at me in anger. He opened his mouth to talk but I cut him off before he would get even a syllable out, “Scooter I don’t want to hear it. She’s in my life wither you like it or not. I have to go.”

I grabbed my keys and my jacket before walking out of the room before anyone could stop me.

*Selena’s POV*

I sat on the bed with my head between my knees trying to breathe deeply. The cops going in and out of the house made me beyond nervous.

I decided I would distract myself by packing to go to the hotel. I pulled the suitcase out from under the bed and opened it up on the bed. I made my way into Justin’s huge walk-in closet, and grabbed a handful of clothes, not even caring if they matched.

When my suit case was full, I pulled one out for Justin and did the same thing. As I zipped up the suit case Justin walking, and hurried towards me to hold me tight. I turned myself so my head was on his chest and I began to cry…


When I woke up I was in the car. How had I gotten here? My eyes opened adjusting to the light of the street lamps we passed.


I heard a snicker and the driver of the car turned his head to look at me. “Close.”

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