Part 14

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I’m gonna love you through it

Part 14 

*Selena’s POV*

Ever since the new I had been shutting Justin out. I knew it was wrong but I was trying to not let him get hurt in the long run. But I was too selfish. I needed him. I needed him to help me though one of the most difficult things I would ever go through.

I had been preparing for day to tell him what exactly was said by the doctors. I knew he would be sad and act like everything was okay because that’s what Justin did.

He sat on my sofa next to me watching me as I played with his fingers.

“I think we should talk..” I slowly raised my eye to meet his.

His hand froze and he sighed looking down whispering “Oh no”

“Justin do you remember that doctors appointment I was called in for a few days ago?”

He nodded once.

“They told me that the cancer had spread and it much worse than they thought. I’m going to have to have more surgeries my first one is in a week. And I have to go in almost everyday and its not looking good for me Justin.” I lowered my head as a few tears started coming down.

He moved his hands from mine placing them on my cheeks and lifting my face up. “Selena Marie Gomez listen to me. I know it hurts and I know you are trying but you are I can get through this. Together. Okay? I’m not leaving your side. I’ll be at every appointment and every time you go in for surgery I be there and I’ll be waiting by your side when you come out. I love you Selena. We will get through this. I promise.”

*Justin’s POV*

Two weeks came too fast. I could tell Selena was nervous for her surgery. They said it would be simple but nothing would out me at ease. We had agreed on her staying at my place until she wanted to go back to her house after she recovered.

We pulled up to the hospital and I could tell Selena was about to crack.

“It’ll be okay. I’ll be there when they put you to sleep and I’ll be there as soon as you wake up. I’m not going anywhere. Everything will be okay.”

She nodded and gripped my hand tightly as we walk to the surgery section of the hospital.

Once they got her a room she went and changed into a gown and laid in the bed waiting for the medication to start working to put her to sleep.

I kneeled next her her bed holding her hand tight.

“Tell me a story..” she whispered in my ear.

“Once upon a time there was a town where everyone wanted to be with the most beautiful lady in the town. Her name was Selena,” I chuckled as I saw Selena roll her eye but I kept going. “One day she was walking into the store and saw the man that would change her life forever. His name was Justin. But Justin was a bad person but Selena loved him anyway. Justin and Selena dated for a long time before he asked her to marry him and she said yes.”

Her eyes were getting heavy and she was started to drift fast.

“And they lived happily ever after.” I kissed her forehead softly letting go of her hand.

A few tears feel as I watch them take away my girlfriend into the back.

I sat in the waiting room not knowing what to expect next.

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