Part 24

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I’m gonna love you through it

Part 24

*Justin’s POV*

After a long emotional week with Selena, things were finally going back to normal. I started rehearsing more and more with the start of the tour right around the corner. It made Selena nervous that I was going to be gone for so long and to be honest I was scared to leave her too. We had become so attached over these last few months. I had never felt this way about anyone before.

I wanted more than anything for Sel to come on tour with me but she was concerned about how her Chemo and other things that she needed to live would work. After weeks, days, and hours of begging she finally agreed if we hired a oncology doctor to come along with us.

Everyone was very excited about Sel coming on tour with us, even Scooter, which surprised me. After our little talk in the office that afternoon, Sel and Scooter have been pretty close, which always made me smile.

Today was the last day of practice before we started the tour and I was extremely excited. I loved to see my Belieber all around the world.

"One more time Bieber. We have to get this right," Scooter said to me as I finished up the set list.

"Can I take a break first? I’m exhausted." I asked breathing hard before gulping all the water left in the bottle.

He nodded and I sat at the edge of the stage, catching my breath. I wiped off the sweat from my forehead on the towel that Allison gave me as she walked by doing other business.

I got up and headed backstage to change my outfit for the first number. I took a deep breath before clearing my head and running on stage when the music began.


We ran through the entire set, this time, thankfully, without a flaw. This meant I was able to go home early tonight and surprise Sel with some flowers and chocolates.

I got out of the car with a dozen red roses and a box of Selena’s favorite chocolate and quietly entered the house knowing Sel was probably taking her afternoon nap. I tip-toed up the stairs and went to our bedroom door which was closed. I slowly opened the door and walking silently over to Selena, who was sound asleep.

I slid into my stop on our huge California King size bed and started to kiss her neck softly. Immediately, a smile popped onto her face and her eyes fluttered open.

"Good afternoon, baby girl," I said smiling at her as she fully opened her eyes shocked to see me home so early.

She sat up and stretched her arms before she smiled and placed a soft kiss on my lips. “What are you doing home so early Jay?” she asked me after our small make-out session, glancing at the clock on her bedside table, that showed I was about four hours earlier than normal.

"They let me go early since I went through the set without a flaw. I got you a present on my way home. Close your eyes, and no peaking." I watched as she covered her eyes with both hand. I waved my hands in from of her making sure she wasn’t peaking. I leaned down picking up the roses and chocolates. "Okay. Open."

*Selena’s POV*

I covered my eyes with both of my hands as Justin instructed. I was so tempted to peak but I decided it was easier not to.

"Okay. Open." Justin said and I quickly removed my hands from my eyes seeing Justin holding my favorite chocolate and a dozen roses. I was so blessed to have him in my life and I honestly couldn’t ask for more.

I quickly kissed him before tearing the box of chocolate open, placing one in my mouth. “Mmmmmmmm” I had the biggest smile on my face and Justin couldn’t help but laugh at how childish I was acting.

"That good?" he asked as he chuckled to himself. I nodded my head and fed him a piece of the candy.


After we had finished the whole box, we got out of bed and Justin headed to the shower, while I packed the final stuff we would need on the tour bus that was coming for us tonight.

I was nervous to be going on tour with Justin because I felt like by being there I was just going to be in the way. I was also scared because of the cancer. I knew we would have a doctor with us to give me my treatments but that didn’t mean I was ready to be using that much energy everyday. I hardly had enough energy to do basic stuff around the house. I tried not to let Justin see me struggle but it was going to be hard to hide from him when we were going to be on the tour bus.

I sighed thinking about all the things that could possibly go wrong on the tour as I packed the last of our things.

I was placing the final bottle of my medication in a big Zip-Lock bag when Justin came out the bathroom letting the humidity from his hot shower rush into the cool air of our room. He walked over to the closest that we shared as he slid off his towel sliding into his boxers and some basketball shorts and throwing on a random shirt.

I placed my bag of meds in my already full suitcase and placed next to the pile of junk that needed to be taken downstairs to be put on the bus that would be here any minute.

I helped Justin as he took our bags and pillows and placed them on the bus that had pulled up right as we got all our stuff from upstairs.

I had never seen Justin’s tour bus before and it was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. I slowly made my way through the bus that was going to be our home for the next 6 months.

At the end of my self-given tour I was the little bedroom that would be mine and Justin’s for the time being. I ran my hand slowly across the bed as i jumped startled by Justin’s arms wrapping around my waist.

"You okay?" he asked me as i turned around in his arms, looking up at him.

I nodded my head and he smiled before kissing me as the bus started to take off. “Here we go,” I whispered to myself, preparing myself for what was next to come on this big adventure.

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