Part 46

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I’m Gonna Love You Through It

Part 46

*Justin’s POV*

I sighed at the sight of the light shining through the window, knowing that meant I had to get up and get ready to go to rehearsals.

After the roller coaster of a night that I had had with Selena, I didn’t want to go and I knew she wouldn’t either. I reached over on the nightstand, trying my best not to wake Selena.

I went through my contacts before clicking the very familiar number. I listen to it ring before he picked up.

“Hello?” Scooter said answering the phone.

“Hey Scoot. It’s me. I don’t think we are going to come in today. Sel and I had a pretty rough night last night and she’s feeling a lot of pain.”

I heard him sigh in the back ground, “Okay man. We’ll just go through the dances and run the stage changes and make sure that’s down pat. You have got to come in tomorrow though. We’re running out of time.”

“I know, I know. Also I wanted to talk to you about something,” I said kinda of stalling afraid of what he said.

“What is it Justin?” he asked.

“Well you know how Selena and I are engaged now?”

“Please don’t tell me she’s pregnant.”

I let out a breathy sigh, “No. Not like that. Um, we picked a date.”

“Oh really? When?” he asked.

“One week from Saturday,” I said biting my lip, mentally preparing myself for what he was going to say.

“Oh, um, that’s like really soon, Justin. Can’t it wait till after tour?”

“That’s what I thought at first, but Scooter, she’s got cancer man. I don’t know when she’s going to be taken away from me. There’s no guarantee of tomorrow for us. I want to be married to her.”

I heard him sigh through the phone again, “Okay, than I support you. But we can’t let this effect the tour okay?”

I smiled to myself, “Of course.”

“Okay, I should get going now. Take care of Selena. See you tomorrow.”

“Thanks Scooter. See ya,” I said before hanging up setting my phone back on the nightstand.

Bringing my attention back to Selena, I began to place soft and gentle kisses on her neck. “Sel, baby, it’s time to wake up,” I whispered against her skin.

With her eyes still closed she mumbled something too low for me to hear before turning to her other side.

“Come on baby. Bentley will be waking up soon. He needs his mommy.”

She groaned before a soft sight escaped her lips.

“That’s my girl,” I said smiling placing a kiss on her cheek. “We have a wedding to plan today, love.”

She turned her head over to me, “What about rehearsals?”

“Already taken care of. Today it’s about you me and the wedding,” I smiled over at her.

She returned my smile and whispered, “Thank you.”

Before I could say another word we heard Bentley beginning to cry from his crib, “That’s my cue. You go take a shower and get ready. I’ll get myself and Bentley ready.”

*Selena’s POV*

“Okay Mr. Bieber and Ms. Gomez, have you decided on a cake flavor?” the wedding planner that Justin had got us asked for the 3rd time.

I sighed and looked over at Justin, “I can’t eat another bite of cake. You pick one and that will be fine with me.”

He nodded sighing as he turned his attention back to all the flavors of cake in front of him, “I think we’ll go with chocolate. Can’t really go wrong with chocolate.”

I could tell that he was beginning to get stressed out and so was I. Who knew it would be so hard to plan a wedding in a little more than a week.

I put my head in my hands taking, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath before counting to ten to calm myself.

“Okay, just a few more things and then we will be done.”

I sighed, a few more things. I could do it. I wasn’t going to stress Justin out more than he already was.

The wedding planner, Carly, looked at her clipboard, sending me a flashback of when my doctor checked her clipboard before telling me the all too scary news. Shaking the memory from my head I tried hard to focus on what was being said.

“Selena? Are you okay?” Justin asked me looking alarmed.

“Um…yeah. Sorry I just dazed off. What were we talking about?” I asked blinking a few times.

“What flowers did you want?” he asked me.

I closed my eyes once more, rolling my head on my neck, before opening my eyes. “Let’s go with yellow roses.”

“Okay,” carly said, “I assume you have talked about bridesmaids and groomsmen already, is that right?”

Justin and I looked at each other. “How many people did you want in the wedding party?” he asked before I got the chance to.

“Seeing that I don’t have that many friends, you pick ill just find people to fill the voids. I assume you’ll want Scooter and Alfredo?”

He nodded, “Yeah two is good. Can you find 2 people?”

I nodded putting on my fake smile, “Yeah, of course.”

“Great,” Carly chimed in. “Last thing then we can all go, Ms. Gomez do you have a dress?”

I smiled slightly to myself and nodded, “Yeah, I do.”

“Well, it looks like we are all done for now. Thank you guys so much. I’ll see you soon. It was a pleasure,” She smiled standing up and shaking our hands.

After she left I grabbed the baby carrier holding a sleeping Bentley, before heading out to the car with Justin. “Who knew there was that many things that went into a wedding?”

“I don’t think it helped that we don’t have much time,” he stated.

I stopped walking and looked at him, “Do you not want to do it now then?” I questioned.

“No, I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant that most people spread it out so it looks like less we did ours all at once.”

I sighed and shook my head for what felt like the millionth time today, “Sorry I got snappy. I’m just stressed, tired and the pain is really getting to me.”

“I understand, Sel. Don’t worry about it,” he said helping me put Bentley in his car seat, before getting in ourselves. “This is going to be amazing okay? It doesn’t matter to me about the size of our wedding party or the flavor of the cake. To me it’s about you and me. Nothing else matters but that you are going to be official mine forever.”

I smiled and kissed his check before turning to look at the window as he dove, yeah till death do us part.

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