Part 43

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I’m gonna love you through it

Part 43

"Are you excited babe?" I said with a huge smile on my face as I placed a hot plate of waffles in front of Selena.

"Sure Justin," she said ignoring the plate as she continued to feed Bentley.

I took Bent out of her hands allowing her to eat while I fed him. “You don’t sound very excited. It’s our first day of rehearsals it’s exciting.”

She sheepishly placed her elbows on the table to support herself, “I know, I’m just really tired and weak.” She plopped a bite into her mouth.

"Do you want me to cancel? We can always try again tomorrow. We have loads of time."

She swallowed before talking, “No it’s fine. It’s not like I’m going to be running around the stage. I’ll be fine as long as I get breaks often.”

I nodded looking down at Bentley as he ate. “I’ll make sure to let the crew know. We’ll all be here for you. If you need anything just let us know.”

She nodded swallowing another bite. “Um and if I look like I might pass out, I will. Don’t freak out its normal with getting treatment. Just fan me and have wet rag for my head and a water for when I wake up.”

I sighed. Thankfully, I was able to talk her into letting me pay for it until she could find a way to pay for it herself.

I didn’t know a lot about cancer and I was still learning more everyday. It was things like this that scared me. She was able to talk about passing out so calmly. She was such a string women. That was one of the things I loved most about her. She never complained about the pain her cancer caused. She was always weak and tired but she pushed threw it for Bentley and me.

"Just take it easy. If you need to stop, just say so. Don’t push yourself. Like I said we have lots of time to practice the set."

She nodded and stood up placing her plate in the empty sink.


"Ready to go?" I asked as I finished packing up Bentley’s baby bag.

She nodded and dragged herself to the car and climbed I’m bucking in. I get Bent all settled in the car before getting into the driver seat and backing out of the driveway.

As soon as we got out of the subdivision I intertwined my fingers with Selena’s long skinny fingers.

Selena had imminently lost the baby weight and a lot of her own after starting treatment. You could practically see most the bones in her body. She had become skin and bones. I knew she couldn’t control it but I still felt like it was my fault.

I was brought back to reality when I pulled up to the practice arena we rented out for the next few weeks.

I smiled and looked over at Selena rubbing her hand soothingly with my thumb, “Here we go.”

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