Rebellion ~( 2 )~

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"Some say alcohol can give you happiness. They are right. However, the drinks borrow the happiness from the next day."


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I sighed as I glanced up at the clock in my room. 

7:36 p.m.

"I should probably try to sneak out by now.. most guards are towards the other side of the mansion by this time..." I anxiously thought "Jeez, I hope no one catches me. Especially at a place like a bar... how did we let Namjoon convince us to go there?"

I shook myself out of my thoughts.

Its time. 

Gathering up some courage, I carefully got off my bed, walking over to my door and creaking it open.

No guards. 

In slight relief, I silently closed the door and worked my way to my window, peeking through the curtains.


"Tch. The guards will check on me soon." I thought to myself before quickly putting pillows on my bed and wrapping a blanket around it 

"There. That kinda looks like me...?" I mumbled, looking at the lopsided pillows "Yeah.. I have to get out quickly."

I peeked out the window one more time before sliding it open. Seeing the soft grass under me, I hopped out the window and rushed to the front gates.

"Hey! What are you doing here?!" A voice said from behind me, causing me to freeze in my place

Confusion took over me as laughter suddenly burst out from behind me. Turning, I see Namjoon and Jungkook laughing their asses off.

"He- thought it- was a guard!" Jungkook said between laughs

I felt eat rushed into my face as I let out a sigh of relief "You assholes!"

"Guys! Hurry up will you? Guards are gonna come this way and if they see or hear us, its over!" Jin said from his van in the front gates

Why isn't anyone patrolling the front gates? That's unusual...

Everyone got into the van as Jin starting driving to a bar.

"Did something happen?" I thought"Guards are usually supposed to patrol those areas the most.."

"Hey Jimin?" Namjoon said, shaking my shoulder

"Yeah?" I said

"Are you okay? You look distracted." Namjoon said

"Just have somethings on my mind, that's all." I simply said

"If your thinking that you'll get caught, you won't. The guards are busy with the newest incident. A bank being robbed at gunpoint by no one other then Min Yoongi." Jungkook stated "Ah... I still can't believe no one has ever seen his face, only a mask. Unless you were a police officer in one of his escaped executions."

"What?" I said "He escaped?" 

"Yeah." Namjoon sighed "Ruthless killer."

"I heard he escaped his second jailing this week." Taehyung suddenly stated, looking at his phone

"I don't even know how he keeps escaping." Hoseok groaned

"I heard rumors." Taehyung said

"Such as?" Namjoon questioned

"I heard that he might go after a person in powers child as leverage." Taehyung said

"Really? Who would they even go for?" Hoseok said

"What if they go for Jimin?" Taehyung asked

"Me?" I asked, confused

"Why would they go for Jimin?" Jungkook asked "No offense Jimin, but the mans father is a senator. Theres people in higher positions."

"The same senator that keeps putting him back in jail?" Namjoon stated

I sat there in silence, slight anxiousness falling over me.

"I think you guys are exaggerating it." Jin said "His father wants to keep him safe because of what happened to his mother. Simple as that."

"...I mean, it makes sense." Namjoon said as he thought to himself

The atmosphere relaxed as the bar came into view. 

The conversation about the killer died down as Jin parked in the bars parking lot before everyone got out. 

I shivered slightly, feeling a pair of eyes on me.

"No ones looking at me..." I thought, looking around to see all my friends in their separate conversations 

I shook off the feeling as i walked inside the bar with everyone else. Way too soon upon arrival, everyone started to drink and talk around the place. 

Sitting at the bar, I put a finger up towards the bartender, him sliding me a glass of alcohol. 

The mix between the bars music, vibe and drinks got to me as I relaxed on the stool.

"Two more." I mouthed to the bartender 

After what I believe to be my fourth drink, the place started to get a bit woozy. I was about to motion for another drink when I felt a hand grasp my shoulder.

Turning, it was a man. 

He was an older man but clearly not by many years. He was taller and had fair skin, pinkish lips and beautiful eyes..

He also had jet black hair, a stark difference compared to my blonde hair.

"Hello there." He said, hand grazing my shoulder soothingly 

I moved back, feeling slightly uncomfortable. Wasn't I a little too drunk to meet strangers?

As I stumbled back, the back of my shoes hit something, causing me to fall back.

I screwed my eyes shut, ready to feel the embrace of the hardwood floor but that never came.

Slightly opening my eyes, I looked up to see him, arms wrapped tightly around my waist as he picked me back up. 

"Watch where you're going. How about I get you a glass of water? You seem a little too drunk." He suggested and I nodded, trying to look around for my friends

He asked the bartender for a water, the bartender taking a solid couple of seconds before sliding it over to me. 

I eyed the glass in confusion, seeing as it fizzed up "W..why is it so... bubbly?" 

"Calm down. It's sparkling water sweetheart." He said, quickly glancing around before grabbing my wrist "Let's go somewhere quiet so your head doesn't hurt even more later."

Before I could even deny, I was quickly shuffled out, dragged to an alleyway along the street.

"W-what are you-"

He harshly grabbed my chin and puts the glass up to my mouth, making me drink the water.

Immediately feeling a bitter taste in my mouth, I saw as the world spun around me, my head throbbing.

"Names Min Yoongi sweetheart." Is the last thing I hear before everything around me fades to black.

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