Cold ~( 25 )~

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"Get involved with the wrong people, your life gets manipulated."


What the hell is going on?

~ Unknown amount of time later ~

All I see is darkness.

I didn't understand a lot of things that were going on. I'm sure it wasn't any secret service coming to save me, they wouldn't throw me around.. I knew it wasn't cops either. Not even guards.

I didn't know who these people were or what they wanted.

But I did know two things. 

One, that it had been a very long time since I felt hunger creeping up on me.

And two, that it had something to do with Yoongi.

I let my thoughts surround me for the past who knows how long before I heard a loud creak in front of me.

Not too long ago, these people tied me up and blindfolded me, dragging me out of the dark van and into another dark room. I could only tell as my skin felt the cold floor beneath me from a harsh throw, all before their footsteps turned away, signaling their departure with a loud door slam.

But now, someone's here.

The extreme danger I was facing at the moment didn't quite sink in.. until I felt someone take off my blindfold.

Although I still couldn't see, I narrowly see a shadow in front of me before a light suddenly turns on, blinding me for a couple seconds.

I slowly look up after my eyes adjusted, seeing an unfamiliar face.

It all happened so fast.

One moment I'm staring up at him, another moment my face is rapidly to the right, my cheek burning.

He had slapped me.

Tears burn in the back of my eyes as I stared down at the wooden planks on the floor, unsure of what to do.

More footsteps come along, a menacing chuckle erupting from one of them.

"Yoongi got a bitch. No. A slut. I can see why he likes this whore. He's cute." He says grabbing my face harshly

"You harass anyone you look at. Everyone finds it appalling. But don't get attached to him just yet.. we might just have to kill him." The other man says, a lack of emotion tied to his tone

My stomach twists in horror.

"Awh, little sluts face turned white. Scared bitch?" One of them smirked

"... What do you guys w.. want?" I muttered, surprised I actually said something

One of them crossed their arms and stared at me.

"Not only are you a whore, you're idiotic as well. Perfect match for Yoongi. Either way, we took you because you have a connection with our rivals leader and followers. If Yoongi's sex toy is gone, he'll come for you. Kai will obviously assist him, leading them and their people right to us. After the blood-fest we'll start, when everyones dead, we'll slit your throat as well. You all can rot in hell. If you try to escape or get anyone to help you, unimaginable things will be done to you." His blank look suddenly turned to a smirk as he grabbed my face, whispering "Just know, we have no boundaries."

I shivered as his smirk turned dark, him throwing me back onto the floor before turning off the lights and walking out with his friend.

I feel tears stream down my face and I lay on the cold dark floor.

What did I ever do?

~ Unknown amount of time later ~

I don't have tears left anymore and I just lay there for what felt like days.

They gave me a tray of dull food but I haven't touched it, I can't eat or sleep. Everything is fucked up.

I just wish I was at home with friends who didn't betray me. My issue with constant guarding before seems so minuscule compared to my issues now. I wish I only had that struggle back, I wish I hadn't ditched them and been in this situation.

I can't help but think, what if I listened to my father? What if I didn't go to that bar with my friends? Would I even be in this situation?

I sigh tying to clear my head.

What has this even come to?


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