~[ 32 ]~

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• Park Jimin's Point Of View

This was gonna be a long night.

I was aimlessly walking around now, the party was still crowded for sure, but now that I have thoughts in my head and it's distracting me.

Everyone seems to be having a good time until I was grabbed by the arm get again and dragged into a hallway.

I look up and see a man most likely in his late twenties, quite buff and black hair with right side bangs. He's cute if you asked me, by not as cute as Yoon-

Lord, I need help.

"Hello there. I just wanted to pull you aside and, I know it sounds weird but would you like to come with me to somewhere..less crowded and more...isolated." He said and flashed a charming smile

I blink for a few moments "Uh..excuse me?"

"I said." He casually strolls up to me and grabs my waist "would you like to go somewhere else. With me. Isolated." He said grabbing my chin and lifting my face up before leaning in

I shook my head and pressed my hands on his chest, trying to get him off but he was way stronger.

"W-wait! I'm engaged. I can't cheat." I said quickly, throwing up my hand in his face, showing the ring.

He chuckled, tossing the hand away and was leaning in closer and closer and I couldn't do anything about it. I was basically helpless.

"I'm engaged to M-Min Yoongi. I don't...think you want to do this." I said quickly

"Alright? Your point? What he doesn't know can't hurt him, can it?" He said pulling me closer

I was about to except that I couldn't escape what was happening right now until I felt his presence being ripped off me.

I see him pushed away Kai in front of a furious Yoongi and telling the creepy guy to leave before he let Yoongi beat the shit out of him.

Yoongi looked like he would pound the guys face in at any moment, growling and glaring.

The guy quickly apologized and bowed, saying how he didn't know I was engaged to Yoongi and scrambled away. Which was a huge lie. I told him I was and he wanted me to cheat.

Kai sighed and slowly looked at me mouthing "your a bit in trouble there. I'm sorry I can't help." He said walking away

Yoongi finally turned and looked at me. His beyond pissed face, calm. Like he wasn't mad.

I looked down as he walked towards me. He's gonna surely be pissed as fuck at me for not being able to fight back against that guy.

But what happened next, surprised me the most.

He moved his face right in front of me. His minty breath and perfect blond hair. He leaned his forehead on mine and wrapped his arms around me. Pulling me into a tight and sweet hug.

"I know you couldn't have done anything against him. He's a body builder. He's stronger then me but doesn't have fighting skills." He said quietly "and I know you tried to tell him you were mine, I saw from the other side when me and Kai were trying to get you, moving around the crowd of people, you showing him your engagement ring."

I slowly nod, relieved he understood.

"You know. You grew on me Park Jimin. I would've easily not cared and just gave guards take him away and take out anger on you, but instead I was pissed that he was trying to take away my beloved fiancé." He said slowly "and I can't wait to make you make you legally mine. Min Jimin."

I stared into his eyes and he flashed a gummy smile before grabbing my hand and leading me though the crowd and up the stairs, the crowd was big still but they gave us a path once they saw us holding hands and Yoongi with a face other then blank.

I was a bit frightened of the eyes staring at me but I decided not to say anything.

As we walked upstairs he brought me into our room and sighed.

"It's better here then sitting in the crowd down there. And you look tired. You should go to sleep." He said, taking off his tie.

I blushed and nodded, going into the drawer and taking out some clothes but Yoongi's hand stopped me, pointing to the bed where there was a pair and of clothes already laid out for me.

I took it and quickly ran into the bathroom before he could protest.

And of course. He gave me his shirt and shorts.

'What did I expect' I thought to myself, smiling.

~ Hours Later ~

I felt my arm being slightly shaked, I groan lowly and look up to see a guard there. And then I remembered what I needed to do. He nodded and walked out, understanding that I knew what was going on.

I looked down and saw Yoongi's arm tightly wrapped around me. I sighed and slowly tried to take his arm off. He groaned, mumbling something in his sleep while his face looked irritated and he tightened his grip again.

I groaned trying to pry his arm off again.

He stirred and I stayed completely still. Not wanting him to wake up.

He finally stopped and I heard even breathing. I let out a sigh of relief as I slowly and carefully took his arm off, replacing me with a large pillow which he clinged onto and slowly opened the door to walk out, closing the door behind me.

I see Kai downstairs from the staircase who quickly motioned for me to go outside as he walked out. I quickly went downstairs and walked out, it was still raining and cold. The guard opened the sleek black car door for me, and thankfully the car was quite warm.

Kai was sitting in the front drivers seat, as he turned on the engine and started driving.

He looked at me through the rear view mirror before looking back towards the road.

"Be prepared."


Updateee! I was a bit late for this one, I'm sorry!

Question #1: If Yoongi wakes up, what do you think his reaction would be to seeing Jimin gone?

Question #2: Is the trap the place. Or the person. 👀

Just a little more until 5k! Thank y'all 💕

See y'all next chapter!

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