Why did you? ~( 10 )~

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"You can run but not hide."


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But the footsteps were walking to nowhere other then the kitchen.

To me.

Before I could even move, I felt a hand grip my arm tightly, nails digging into my skin.

I lowly whimpered in pain, wincing.

I turned to see the most disturbing sight I've seen in my twenty-two years of life.

The cruel, ruthless killer, Min Yoongi, was staring at me with a psychotic grin, eyes wide, staring deep into my soul.

I felt warm liquid pour down slowly from my arm. Glancing at it, his nails were piercing through my skin as blood trickled down my sleeve. My arm was loosing circulation but I couldn't focus on that, I could only look wide eyed at the insane male in front of me.

"Oh sweetheart. You don't run from your fiancé like that.." Yoongi whispered, chuckling darkly


He seemed to get a kick out of the confusion on my face and smirked.

"After thinking long and hard about this, I've decided to marry you as a way to get into your dear old father's family legally. It'll send a message to your father and the people around him that I can do whatever I please, because he can't even protect his own son.." He casually said "He'll lose his power, and therefore his protection himself. Giving me an opportunity to slip in and take revenge for all those times he locked me up. You'll be by my side as my wife, or in this case, husband." 

Wait WHAT?!

"Y-you can't do that! I didn't agree to this!" I stated frantically

"What a stupid statement." He chuckled, kneeling down to my level as he stared at me, wide eyed "Do you really think it matters if you want this or not? Just be glad I won't slit your throat ear to ear for trying to escape just now." 

I gulped, fear and panic evident in my manner.

"I-It's not even legal! You'll need witnesses and shit to get legally married!" I said 

"You're acting like I won't threaten a couple people to sign the papers for us. I've done my little homework Park Jimin. Or should I say Min Jimin?" He smirked

"I don't love you! Nor do you love me! You're making a mistake. My father doesn't even have much power." I stated

"You're missing the point, I don't want your fathers power. I want to send a message to him that he failed to protect his own family. First his wife Sungmin had a little 'accident' leaving her dead. Now, his own son is married to a murderer killing his own people. He will learn that he can't save anyone. Especially you, sweetheart." He said, void of any emotion

I felt as tears streamed down my face and I look down at the hardwood floor, hating everything my life has come to. I wish I was part of a normal family, got to be a normal person, have the chance at a normal life.

But no.

I'm going to have to marry a killer a few years after my mother had died and my father became emotionless. A fucked up life, only comforted by my close friends and dance classes.

Why me?

Authors Point Of View •

Yoongi grabbed Jimin's chin firmly, forcing him to look directly at him.

"Don't cry like a baby. You're a legal adult, act like it." He harshly said, pushing Jimin and making him land on the floor with a loud thud

Jimin bit his lip, trying to keep in his sobs as Yoongi walked away from the kitchen.

Once the taller was out of sight, Jimin cried, trying to be as quiet as possible as he sucked in his breath.

"M..m-mom.." Jimin whispered, curling into a ball on the black marble tiles

~ 3 hours later ~

Yoongi walked into the kitchen, sighing once he saw Jimin curled up on the floor, eyes closed.

Yoongi grabbed Jimin and picked him up bridal style.

As he was walking upstairs, Jimin opened his eyes halfway. His eyes were puffy, cheeks tear stained and red, but his expression stayed blank.

"Not asleep? Just wanted your fiancé to carry you?" Yoongi said 

Jimin didn't answer him, the same blank expression staring at the older's chest as he was being carried upstairs.

Yoongi brought him to his room and put him down on his bed.

"Go to sleep." Yoongi said before turning around to leave

The raven headed male halted in his tracks as he heard soft whimpers coming from the younger. He turned around to see Jimin with tears streaming down his face once again.

Yoongi sighed "This is a stupid question, but what's wrong?"

"What's not wrong." Jimin said lowly, voice broken

Although Yoongi would never admit it, he felt a very small pang in his chest as he saw the shorter break down in front of him.

That was more emotion he'd felt for basically anyone in his adult life.

"What's exactly the problem." Yoongi clarified

"You don't e-even love me." Jimin said between sobs

A few moments of silence go by.

"your wrong sweetheart."


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See y'all in the next chapter!

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