~( 26 )~

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"What's the point anymore?"


• Park Jimin's Point Of View •

What has this even come to?

~ Unknown amount of time later ~

I'm so cold.

It's freezing in this room and I still haven't touched any food they've given me.

I wish I was at least treated like an animal then rotten meat.

It feels like it's been days. No windows, clock, furniture, none of that. Just a single door that's locked and I can't even see in the pitch black darkness.

I chuckle, remembering my past memories when I was younger and terrified of the dark.

I wish everything was the same. My mom still alive, my dad actually showing emotions, we could've all been a happy family.

But no.

My mother got hit by a car, my dad became dull and emotionless and I grew up to be just another teen with guards up his ass and betrayed them but of course my angsty, immature and bitchy phase got me in this fucking situation.

I'm so tired of it all.

Even if I get brought back home I don't think I'll be able to take it. Whatever I've seen, it will scare me for the rest of my life.

Yoongi. He's the reason for this.

And making my life shittier by the minute. First kidnapping, harassing, forced marriage, now getting me in this stupid situation.

How much more fucked up can this be.

I look up as the door abruptly opens and someone quickly comes in grabbing my arm and bringing me out roughly.


"Shut the fuck up slut. We have to make a ransom video for you, get the money and then kill you and them." The guy said blankly and threw me in a chair where another guy pointed a knife at my neck

"Don't. Move. You wouldn't like if a knife slurs your throat would you?" He smiled wickedly

'I don't honestly care if it does but okay.' I say in my head honestly but just nod

The camera light turns red and a guy on the other side nods.

"Hi there Yoongi." The guy started tracing the knife on my arm "I got your bitch." He said and lowly chuckled "And he's wrapped around my finger. Ain't that right babe?" He said pressing the knife on my collarbone making a slight cut

I wince slightly and nod slowly.

He turns back to the camera "you have till tonight to bring me 16 million dollars. ($16,000,000). If you don't, I don't mind hurting this slut each time until he dies and I kill you all myself. And who knows, maybe I can use him~" he said wickedly and I almost scrunch my face up in disgust but control myself

"Farewell now. Remember, 16 million dollars. Your bitch is on the line." He says finally before the red light shuts off.

The guy came back and grabbed me by the collar dragging me back into the room and threw me in.

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