Threats ~( 23 )~

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"Curiosity killed the cat."


{A/N: y'all, be prepared, you're gonna feel multiple emotions throughout this.}

Warning: Brief mention of vomit yet again. If you have emetophobia or some fear of vomit, be warned.

All I remember is collapsing, feeling the hard floor under me and a distant yell after I completely lose consciousness.

~ Unknown amount of time later ~

My head hurts so bad..

I lightly groan and slowly sit up to find myself in a familiar, but empty room. 

What happened?

I sit there and thought back, wondering what I was up to before I fell asleep.

I woke up that day with Yoongi after having.. yeah. We were gonna have breakfast but didn't. Last I remember, I was walking around the halls to then bump into Kai momentarily.. and then..

All of a sudden my memory budged, all of it hitting me like a truck.

The red door, it hid tortured people within it.

I gagged and almost vomited again. Glancing at the glass of water beside me, I quickly grabbed it, drinking it slowly as I caught my breath.

I hear a creak and I turn my head to see the door opening.

My heart drops when I see the familiar black hair and smooth silky skin.


He looks.. calm. Almost too calm. Yoongi has never been the type to put his emotions on display, but this.. this is way more alarming then him just wearing an angry expression.

I knew I had fucked up by going down there.

But then again, he hid this from me, because he knew I would freak out if I saw what actually happens in this fucking building. Any sane person would freak out anyway.

And he knows I will do everything in my power to avoid marrying him now.

He's damn right I am.

"Stay. Away." I hissed, moving back as he stared walking towards me

He didn't say a word. Continuing his stride over to me. He just walked up to the bed, sitting beside it as he looked at me.

Neither him or I spoke, silence taking over, but the atmosphere was thick and heavy. Tension filled every corner.

Swiftly, he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me onto the bed frame.

"GET OFF ME!" I screamed and was about to kick him but he used his legs and put his weight on them, pinning my legs.

"DON'T TOUCH ME." I screamed even more when he didn't let up, letting me thrash around until I got somewhat tired

"Shhh.. now. As much as you think you're entitled to feel upset, I should be the only one here infuriated, considering you did something I specifically told you not to do." He spoke, venom in his tone

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