~[ 40 ]~

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"What's worse? Physical or Mental pain?"


• Park Jimin's P.O.V •

He looked at me and smiled "my precious, such an angel. Using all his strength for someone to continue to breath. However, your efforts were half a second late." He said pulling the trigger on the gun, a shot ringing out.

I stared in horror as I saw blood bleeding out on the floor.

The shot had got to her and into the upper stomach but her metal clipboard defended a bit, the bullet only getting a bit in before stopping, blood still pouring but she was still very much up and aware.

Yoongi's face flared in anger, he took out a knife and took a step up to her before I snapped into my senses and right as his hand clenched around the knife handle raising up and ready to strike her I moved my hand and the sharp metal hit the palm of my hand instead of her, sharp piercing pain hitting and spreading through my palm.

I let out a loud yelp, wincing harshly as I pulled my hand back, blood oozing from the wound.

Yoongi's anger filled face suddenly turned into one of pure worry and concern.

The lady got up and quickly ran away but Yoongi didn't care, he quickly grabbed me and pulled me to the hospital bed making me lay on it as Jin and Namjoon rushed in.

"What the hell happened?!" Namjoon said

"No time, get me some bandages, tissues, cotton balls and some rubbing alcohol." Jin said and quickly rushed up to me.

Namjoon quickly ran in with all the stuff Jin required and placed it down on the moveable table with other things like scissors, a syringe and what seems to be a box with thread and a needle.

"I'm going to need you both to hold his arms, Yoongi told specifically tight on that arm, I have to get this knife out." Jin ordered as I felt hands tightening on both my arms.

"Jimin? Are you still with me? You don't need to talk, just blink if you can hear me." Jin said, picking up some things on the surgical table.

I blinked and closed my eyes.

"I'm going to need you to relax and calm down, this is going to hurt but it will be over soon." Jin said

I slowly opened my eyes and looked up to my left, Yoongi right there holding my wounded arm as he stared into my eyes in concern.

"It's going to be okay." He mouthed to me, quickly using a hand to caress my cheek before I feel sharp pain from my hand, Jin trying to remove the knife from me.

Tears poured out of my eyes from the pain, after a few seconds the knife sliced through my hand some more as it was being removed making me flinch but the hands tightened impossibly tighter on my arms.

As the pain grew Yoongi leaned his forehead against mine from the side and kissed my temple, calming me from the pain as Jin quickly slid the knife out of my hand, grabbing stuff from the surgical table as he poured a substance on cotton balls and dabbed around my wound with it.

The burn hurt, already knowing this was rubbing alcohol strangely made the pain worse.

Looking to the side and seeing my hand in the state it was made me sick, seeing it itself with its blood pouring out and drying was sick enough, but feeling the pain firmly made me want to cry out in pain.

Yoongi quickly used one of his hands to cup my cheek as he kissed me softly.

"Now I think I'll need to give some anesthesia for this." He said, taking a small glass container with clear liquid in it and inserting it into the syringe.

"N-no.." I quietly said "Plea..se.."

"Shhh..it will make the pain go away my love. Just fall asleep and you will be fine once you wake up." Yoongi assured, kissing my lips.

He didn't move back as we kissed, then I felt a prick against my skin as liquid poured into my arm.

He moved back and the warmth on my lips disappeared as the whole room began to look fuzzy, blurring everyone and everything.

'Just go to sleep love.' Yoongi's voice played in my head.

I slowly closed my eyes and darkness fell over me.

~ Unknown amount of time later ~

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around as I see my arm laid on the side, hand bandaged up neatly.

Looking to the left I see Yoongi, laying asleep in a chair, softly snoring.

My hard unexpectedly feels warm as I stare at the ring on my finger and then his.

He's not that bad. Yes, he has a lot of  blood spilled on his hands but he had a twisted childhood, he's actually a very soft and loving person who has this demon inside him, telling him to go crazy and kill.

And the only person who can calm such a demon is the person who gives them love.

I sighed and stared at the blond haired man who was supposed to ruin my entire life.

But somehow, only ruined a part of it, and saved the rest.


Gasp, someone's in loveee 🌹

Question #1: Do you think the doctor escaped? If you think she did, where did she go and what do you think she will do?

Question #2: Why is Jimin going so soft for a ruthless killer who intended on ruining his whole life?

Thank y'all so much for the support 💕, can we reach 9k by tomorrow?

See y'all next chapter!

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