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"Secrets form lies."


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• Author's Point Of View •

"Oh and remember." He said walking up to Jimin.

"You're mine."

Jimin froze not knowing what to do.

Yoongi smirked and grabbed Jimin's arm, dragging him to the basement.

There Jimin saw a whole set up with camera's, lights, etc. all pointing at a chair.

Jimin looked around to see a man right there staring at them and jumped, almost tripping but Yoongi grabbed him by his waist quickly before he could fall.

"While you were asleep my friend Chanyeol set this up. Also, don't think about asking him for help. He's another murderer just like me who's just professional at this type of stuff." Yoongi whispered in Jimin's ear, sending a shiver down his spine

Chanyeol smiled and walked behind the camera "I'm ready when you both are."

Yoongi picked up another puppet mask he had, this one only covering his nose up. 

He sat next to Jimin and wrapped his arm around his waist, looking at him as he held a knife to his own lips, signaling the younger to 'Shhh'.

Jimin simply nodded, fear in his throat as they both looked into the camera lens. 

"Alright!" Chanyeol said

Park Jimshin's P.O.V •

I sighed, hands on my face. 

My son... where could you be... that killer took you.

I should've protected you, I made the same mistake I did with your mother and put my guard down...

As they say, fool me once shame on you.

But fool me twice..

Shame on me.

I won't forgive myself, I haven't since the first time and definitely not the second. All I can do right now is have a search party sent out for you.. I miss you son.. you are my only family left..

Come back soon.

A frantic knock came at the door.

"Come in.." I stated tiredly

I watched as a couple of guards walk in with a laptop and place it on my desk.

"It's from Min Yoongi." One of the guards said

I nodded and looked at the screen, Min Yoongi was wearing a different puppet mask and had his arm wrapped around... my son. I pressed the space bar, starting the video.

"Hello Senator Jimshin. It's nice to talk to you again, even if it is in the current circumstances.. As you can see, I have your beautiful son next to me. Before you assume, I don't want your money or certainly not your power. I just want to send this message to you and your people to explain how unfit you are to be a leader. At the start, you can't protect your wife Sungmin when she had a little 'accident', and now you can't protect your own son from me. To clarify, I'm marrying your son, who's now going to become Min Jimin soon. Tell me, what does this show to your people?  Can't even protect your own family, how will you protect them?" Yoongi said, an evil look in his eyes

"I will kill everyone who stays loyal to you. And you know that." Yoongi said darkly "Do everyone a favor, and take my words into account. You know what to do after."

"Your son is better off with me anyway. Unlike you, he isn't a shit person. And quite beautiful." Yoongi said before he leaned in and kissed Jimin

With that, the video ended.

I immediately shut off the laptop, not wanting to see more. He was going to marry my son. And I.. couldn't do anything about it.

"Sir. What do you suggest we do?" The other guard said

"Find Yoongi and my son as soon as possible. Alert everyone to be aware about this. Don't let this video out yet. I don't want there to be chaos amidst the search party for my son." I said tiredly, trying to let everything sink in

"Yes sir." The two guards said, taking the laptop and walking out

... Min Yoongi. If I find you, I'll kill you myself.

Authors Point Of View •

Jimin's eyes widened as Yoongi leaned in and kissed him.

"And... cut!" Chanyeol said  "I'll send this to the senator immediately."

Yoongi nodded and handed Chanyeol an envelope of money before leaving, bringing Jimin along.

The older dragged the other up the stairs and into his room. 

"Let's go to sleep." Yoongi yawned

Jimin's eyes widened.

He was gonna sleep in his bed?

Yoongi looked at Jimin and saw his shocked expression, chuckling lightly. 

"You're gonna be my husband soon. Might as well sleep in my room and in my bed." Yoongi said "Go wash up. I'll have a shirt and shorts for you to wear after."

Jimin nodded and followed the older's orders. He walked into the bathroom, staring into the mirror for a few moments before washing up and walking out into the room.

Yoongi walked in the bathroom after him, closing the door and giving Jimin time to change since the taller was already in his nightly wear.

Once Yoongi came out, he smirked looking at Jimin's ass since he was turned around.

Yoongi walked up behind him, snaking his arms around his waist before kissing his neck and pushing him onto the bed.

The two shuffled into their positions for bed, Yoongi holding the shorter close. 

"Goodnight love." Yoongi said before turning off the lamps light

Jimin's face heated up upon feeling the closeness. He was usually close with his Hyungs, Taehyung and Jungkook just like this as well.

But.. he's never blushed like this before..

Jimin was sure he didn't know the older enough, but just thinking about it.. 

Was this what love felt like?


Double update because support has been amazing 💕

Question: More fluff or more hard stuff 😏😉

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