Venom ~( 3 )~

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"When you see a monster, do you run away, or, do you stare at it intrigued?"


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"Names Min Yoongi sweetheart." Is the last thing I hear before everything around me fades to black.

I jolted up, groaning as I felt my head throb.

"Agh... what time is it?" I mumbled to myself, looking around

Anxiousness filled my chest as I felt my stomach drop.

This isn't my room.

It was a dark room with no windows, offering only a hint of light coming from the scuffed bulb above. I was on an old mattress, nothing around me aside from a metal door to my right. 

"No. No. No way.. Have I been kidnapped?" I thought before I shivered "Clearly whoever kidnapped me didn't have the decency to give me a fucking blanket." 

I stared around aimlessly for a couple moments, unsure of what to do until I felt some parts of my memory jog. 

"Alright.. what happened?" I mumbled to myself, trying to recall the events from a day before

The sting of the weak lightbulb filled the room with a slight sound. I bounced my leg up and down slightly, touching my hands as I thought. 

Min Yoongi. 

I flinched upon hearing the metal door creak open, putting my arm up to shield my eyes from the sudden light. 

It felt as if my whole world darkened. I recalled the name correctly.

Min Yoongi, one of the most wanted killers in South Korea, was standing in the doorway.

Staring right back at me. 

"Hm. Awake already?" He said, walking up to me 

Fear struck me as I moved back on the mattress, attempting to keep as much distance as I could from him. 

"I know why I'm here-- but just keep the fight between you and my dad. This has nothing to do with me. Don't kill me.." I said, trying to sound assertive but my tone came off weak

He chuckled lowly, moving forward to my displeasure and getting in my face. 

"...I won't have to kill you if you listen to exactly what I tell you. You can do that, right?" He smirked

I stayed silent, thoughts rolling through my mind. 

"Don't ignore me sweetheart." He said caressing the side of my face

I thought for a second before a wave of confidence flew through me, my hand moving up and slapping the taller right across his face. 

"Don't. Don't call me sweetheart." I hissed, venom laced in my tone

The slap wasn't that harsh, but it's impact was enough to move his head immediately to the left, his pale cheek reddish.

Yoongi's face was emotionless. No hint of sadness, anger, or even shock written in his expression.

He chuckled darkly and slowly moved his head to look at me, his eyes dark. It seemed as if he had just went completely and utterly insane.

"What the fuck have I just done.."

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