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"This is the essay assignment that I gave to you all a week ago, and you all did terrible." Ms. Black stated as she angrily passed back our essays. I think I did good. I always do good on my writing assignments. "The only person to get a good grade on theirs was the new kid, and that's because she wasn't here." Ms. Black said and everyone quickly glanced at Erica.

Ms. Black finally gave me mine and I almost had a heart attack. I got a D on it. How?! I write essays almost everyday! How did I do so bad on this? "What'd you get?" Colin asked from behind me. I turned around and smirked at him. "Show me yours and I'll show you mine." I jokingly said and he started to smile.

"Now because I know that you're all pinheads I won't re-give you this assignment because you guys will only do worse."

"You're always complaining." I raised my eyebrows and turned to see who had just spoken up to Ms. Black. "Excuse me, Mike?" Mike, the jock gripped his essay tightly and glared at Ms. Black who didn't look any less pissed. "I said you're always pointing out how much we suck, but you're the one teaching us so that's on you." I exchanged looks with Erica and she was holding back a smile.

"You're one of the worst teachers at this school, and you really freaking suck." A few laughs were let out and Ms. Black cleared her throat and glared at Mike. "Leave." Was all she said and Mike did just that. It was pretty amazing. Everyone hates Ms. Black but no one has ever spoken up to her. Today was like a dream come true. Mike, even though he is an asshole, he saved all of our lives.

"It was pretty badass." I explained to Noah who sadly wasn't in the class. "God that boy is so hot when he's mad." I laughed at Noah as he bit his lips, thinking about Mike. Noah's crush has been going on for a good 5 years now. I didn't even think it was possible to crush on someone for that long. Mine always last like a month or less.

"Oh by the way Erica is a keeper. I love her." Noah expressed as we made it to our lockers. It's only 7th period but this is when we like to ditch. "What happened?" I started to ask him just when Erica walked over to us with her head deep in a book.

"Over here, nerd." She looked up from her book and smiled at us. "Greetings, earthling." She said as Noah got our locker opened. He grabbed his jacket and handed me mine. "What are you guys doing? Are you leaving?" Erica asked as we put our jackets on.

"It's ditching time." Noah said in a "duh" tone and Erica just furrowed her eyebrows. "But you guys can't ditch." She said as we started to walk towards the gym room. "Yes we can. Watch us." I said and Noah laughed.

"No like seriously, you can't." Okay, I want to hear what's about to come out of her mouth. Me and Noah both turned around and stared at Erica. "There's officers posted outside of every door. I guess they all heard about what went down with Mike and figured that they might as well just stay and make sure he doesn't explode."

That does sound likely. Mike is known for his bad tempers and outrageous fights. One time he tried to fight a cop because they told him to go to class. "I guess we can't ditch. Now what?" Noah asked and I thought about it. I really don't feel like going to class, and I'm not going to.


"Happy? We're not in class but we're still in school." I whispered to Erica as the three of us sat on the floor in the back of the library. Erica smiled from her book and I playfully rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone.

"Never ditched back in New York?" Noah asked Erica and she looked up and closed her book. "School wasn't even a thing unless you were a nerd. And I was no nerd. I was the life of the party." She makes New York sound so much fun. I've always wanted to go and party there and maybe even go to the Met Gala. Maybe someday.

"Well you'll just simply have to be the life of the party here." Erica smiled at Noah and went back to her book. Ditching is usually fun when you're not at school. After 30 minutes the bell rung and it was time to go home. It felt good to finally be standing after sitting down for so long. "Hey Erica we're going to get something to eat. Wanna come with us?" Noah asked Erica as we entered the hallway.

"I have to stay after school and practice essay writing with Ms. Black." Ew. She's seriously the worst. "I would honestly be really happy if she were to just disappear for a long time." I said and everyone laughed with me. "Agreed. But I'll see you two tomorrow." Erica said as she walked away and over to Ms. Black's classroom.

"It would be funny if that was to happen." Noah said as we stood by his locker, wasting time. That'll never happen. The money is too important to Ms. Black for her to just stop coming. But still, that would be nice. My peaceful thoughts came to an end when someone started to scream. Noah and I exchanged looks and they started to scream again.

I quickly dropped my things and ran to where the screaming was coming from. Noah and I turned the corner to see 4 cheerleaders and Erica staring inside of the classroom with horrid expressions all over their faces. "What happened?" I asked Erica as I walked over to her. She didn't say anything but just pointed to the room.

I turned around and saw Ms. Black's body bent on her desk with blood pouring from out of her. Oh my god! Is she dead? What the hell happened?!

"I'm going to be sick." Noah called out. My mind couldn't process this. What the fuck just happened? Who did this? Why would they do this? "Me and the girls just opened the door and she was just there, like that." Erica said as tears escaped her eyes. Oh my god.

"I can't." One of the cheerleaders started to panic. She frantically shook her head and then she started to run. "Okay, everyone clear the area." The principal said as more people started to come over. I softly grabbed Erica's arm and lead her away from the mess. How can she be okay after seeing that? How can any of them be okay?

"Are you okay?" I asked Erica as we sat on the floor against some random lockers. Erica looked up from the floor right as Noah started to puke. I rolled my eyes in disgust and Erica shook her head. "Now I'm officially grand."

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