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"Everyone is here." Erica said as her and everyone else stood beside me. We were standing outside of our old school, waiting for transportation to come pick us up and take us to our new school. Parents were everywhere. They were probably just as nervous as we were.

"We're going to be so late." Cheryl said as she looked at the time on her phone. "I'm sure we won't get in trouble for that, baby." Mike said as he embraced a very worried Cheryl.

"Are those school buses?" Noah asked and we all turned around and saw 4 school buses heading our way. That's a bold statement. The buses arrived and we all looked at each other as if we had an option. "Okay students, we are already running behind so please get on the bus so we can go to our new school." Slowly everyone walked towards the buses, some saying goodbye to their parents, others just getting on the bus.

I followed Cheryl and Mike on to the bus and we all sat in the back. I sat alone and watched as more students filled the bus. I watched as a familiar face stood in between the seats, looking for somewhere to sit.

"Bethany, you can sit with me." A smile appeared on her face as she walked over and sat next to me. Bethany is super quiet. She's basically your average girl next door. "Hello Mara." She said to me with a smile and I did the same. She seemed very happy, unlike everyone else.

"Why are you so happy? I'm shitting bricks right now." I said to her and she laughed at me. "It's my first and last day. After this I'm being homeschooled. No more crazy killer trying to kill me." That's such a smart idea. Why can't I be homeschooled? The bus started to move and Erica let out a loud laugh from in front of me. Here goes nothing.


I sat with my friends as we watched the auditorium fill up with students from our new school. They had the two schools divided. Our school was on the right, and the other was on the left. Each time a student walked in their eyes immediately went to us. I had my poker face on and I was ready to show these kids that they didn't scare me.

"They look dangerous." Erica said from beside me as we all watched them. "The guys are kind of hot." Erica and I both glared at Noah who was biting his lip as if he was at restaurant, waiting for his order to come.

"Close your mouth Noah, you're drooling." Cheryl said from behind us as she patted his back which cause Mike to laugh at him. Noah frowned and looked away from the students as our Principal and the school's Principal walked in and went right to the microphone.

"Good morning West ValleyHigh," The other Principal cheered out and the room was filled with silence. The Principal awkwardly chuckled as our Principal walked over to the mic with a smile on his face. "And good morning ValleyHigh!" I let out a sign as once again the room was dead silent.

"So we're all here because some unfortunate events have taken place at our school, and West ValleyHigh has kindly let us come here, to let you all continue your education." They shouldn't have. I was doing fine just staying at home.

"We are so excited to welcome you all to our school! I am Principal Brooks, the Principal here at West ValleyHigh," He smiled as he took a step back and allowed our Principal to speak again. Since I already knew who my Principal was I stopped listening and got comfortable in my seat. This is going to be a long day.


I walked into my new first period class that I had with Erica and Noah. The bell rung and I stood alongside my other classmates as the students of West ValleyHigh sat down in their normal seats. Each student looked us up and down and I wanted to just leave and go home. This day so far is terrible, and it barely started.

"Good morning guys, looks like we have some new students! Oh, it's a lot of you guys." The teacher said as she walked over to her desk and we just stood there and watched her. She pulled out a piece of paper and read it for a brief moment.

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