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"You okay?" Erica asked Zion as we all watched him lay in his hospital bed while his nurse got everything for him. Since he didn't want the nurse to hear he stared at her and she laughed at him and left the room. "We were so close to seeing who it was. I wish we could have so this can all be over with." Zion was going to be okay. He has to stay in the hospital until he gets better, but he'll be out in no time.

"You guys could have seriously gotten hurt." Ingrid called out and by now you would think that I would stop getting myself and my friends into these kind of situations, but until I find this sick fuck I won't stop. "I know, I know but no one got hurt." Ingrid gave Zion a death glare and he just sent her a cheesy grin. I really do feel bad about Zion getting hurt. He didn't deserve it. He was only looking out for me.

We all stopped talking when the door opened the door and my Dad and the detective lady entered. It's time for questions. I was nervous to tell my Dad about how this happened but I had no business leaving school and going out. I was going to get in trouble all over again.

"Okay kids, tell us what happened." My Dad said and everyone looked at me. I got ready to tell my Dad the truth, but Zion stopped me by talking before I could. "I was alone. I wanted to see if he was out in the woods and he was." I was amazed at what Zion was showing me right now. He was protecting me so I wouldn't get in trouble again. Zion is a real life protector and I feel even worse now because all he's been trying to do was protect us from this weirdo.

"What happened once you went in the woods?" The lady asked as she pulled out her notepad to write things down. Since it was going to be awhile I guided everyone away from the bed and to the chairs so we could sit down and relax a bit.

"I walked around a bit and found some footprints, and I followed them until I reached the pond. Once I reached it I turned around and he was standing there watching me. Before I could get away he stabbed me in the stomach and once he did that I used everything in me to push past him and run. Once I was back by his prints I turned around to see what he was doing and he was on the ground. He twisted his ankle really bad."

I was so proud of Zion because not only was he leaving me out of the story but he was telling the truth. The truth minus me. I owe him the world right about now. Once he gets out of here I'll do anything for him. They continued to ask him questions and after awhile it got boring. Well for me because I was there and I knew all that happened.

Once they were done asking him questions they turned to look at us. See, they're about to ask us something. "You guys should get back to school." I almost forgot about that. I looked at the clock and saw that it was only 1. Classes were still in session.

"Let's go so we can fill Colin in on what happened." Cheryl said as we all grabbed our things and stood up to leave. We all sent Zion a smile before we left his room and the hospital.


"That's gross." I called out as me and the girls sat on the stairs, laughing at something Erica had said. It was 30 minutes before classes the next day, and Erica convinced the boys to leave us alone to have a little girl talk. And so far I was having fun. I like having moments like this. I was learning more and more about these girls and they're fun to be around.

"Okay but like hear me out. He was cute." Erica defended herself and I laughed even harder. I couldn't believe what she was telling me. I was surprised because didn't seem like the kind of girl to do something like this.

"You hooked up with a random guy though." Ingrid pointed out and Erica just smiled at her. I have never done anything like that before and I don't think I ever will. But good for Erica for getting out there more. I seriously thought she wasn't that type of girl.

Our laughing came to an end when I heard my name being called. We all stopped laughing and stared at Mike who was running towards us. What is it now?

"Colin got hurt." Wait, what? I stood up as my stomach did all types of flips due to how scared I was. Was it the killer? Was he here with us right now? "What do you mean?" I asked him as the girls also stood up around me.

"We were playing ball and he just started to play a bit too hard. And all of sudden he tried to dunk and landed badly on his ankle. It's fucked. I see bone." Oh my god. I didn't waste any time to push past Mike and run to where Colin was at. Once I made it I saw him laying on the floor and then I saw it. His ankle looked absolutely disgusting.

I was too scared to walk over to him. I was frozen in fear as I watch the paramedics come and take him away. What the fuck is happening on this day?

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