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Tonight is the night. I told my parents that I would be spending the night at Noah's so I packed my overnight bag and headed to Cheryl's. Our plan was that everyone was going to meet there and get ready at hers so we can all arrive together. But things never go as planned.

"It's already 10:30. Where is everyone?" Cheryl asked as I finished doing my makeup. Erica, Noah, and Derrianna were missing and I'm pretty sure that everyone else went straight to the club, without us. Why don't people just follow simple directions? "We gotta get going soon. I can't sit here doing my makeup forever." I said to her as I looked at her reflection in the mirror. She sat down on her bed and pulled out her phone to probably call someone. Several seconds passed and she finally said something to the phone.

"Hey Noah, um you're not answering our calls so if you get this just come straight to the club. Everyone is already going to be there. And if you're with Erica and Derrianna tell them the same thing." She hung up the phone and grabbed her purse as someone rang her bell. Since I was done with my makeup I got up to answer it.

Standing there was Erica with a smile on her face. I wouldn't be smiling if I was her. She was super late and Cheryl is pissed. And right on que Cheryl pushed me out of the way a little so she could get a closer look at Erica. I just wanted one drama free day.

"Why were you so late?" Cheryl asked her and I started to think about how much time we were wasting just standing here. The club doesn't stay open all night long! "My process took a little longer than I expected." Cheryl let out a breath and I was so ready to go that I was going to put an end to this.

"Who cares, she's here now! Can we just go?" Cheryl sent me a quick look before she pushed past the both of us and to her car. I sent Erica a quick look and she just shook her head and laughed and we both followed Cheryl to her car. I'm so ready to party.


"And they're here!" I heard Mike call out as we walked over to their table. I noticed that Noah and Derrianna were still missing. Maybe they're in the bathroom. Hopefully. We greeted everyone and I sat my purse down and joined my friends as they were just goofing around.

10 minutes passed and there was still no sight of the two. What the hell is going on? "Hey," I called out to Colin who was happily rocking to the loud music that was playing throughout the club. "Where is Noah and Derrianna?" I asked him and he didn't stop as he told me his answer.

"I thought you knew." What the hell is going on right now? I rushed off the dance floor and over to the seating area where Ingrid and Zion were sitting. "Is everything okay?!" They asked me as I frantically searched for my phone that was in my purse.

Nothing was okay. I haven't heard from Noah or Derrianna all day, and now no one has seen them. I have a terrible feeling about this. "I have to call Noah and Derrianna." Once I had my phone I started to walk outside so I could hear better, but someone stopped me by calling my name.

I turned around to see that Erica was following me. Hopefully she has heard from them or something, because I'm about to start freaking out. "So you and Colin? Are you guys still a thing?" Is she seriously asking me about this right now?! I have bigger problems on my hands!

"I don't care, I have something to do right now." I walked away from Erica with my phone held tight in my hand. Once I was away from everyone I dialed Noah's number and it went right to voicemail. My stomach dropped as I dialed Derrianna's and the same thing happened. I have to go, like right now.

I rushed back in the club and straight to where Ingrid and Zion where just at and saw that they were gone. What the fuck? I rushed over to the dance floor and saw them dancing and my nerves relaxed a bit. But standing right next to them was Erica and surprisingly Colin, and they were dancing, together. What the fuck? Colin's back was facing me so he couldn't see me.

And without any warning they both leaned in and started to kiss one another. I couldn't get mad because I was secretly dating someone else behind Colin's back, but this was just a shock. Once they both pulled away Erica and I made eye contact and she started to smile at me as they continued to dance. This was too weird. I slowly backed away from the floor and left the club. I need to find my best friend.

Once I was safely outside I quickly dialed Willian's number and in a matter of minutes he pulled up to the club and I hopped into his car. "We have to go to Noah's, and fast."

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