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Erica and Colin both started to smile at me as they held their weapons in their hands. I have no idea what to do. All the classrooms and exits are locked. I have nowhere to run. I have nowhere to go. I need to think, I need to pray, I need to beg for my life.

God if you really care about me you'll save my life right about now.

"Shall we get this over with?" Erica asked me and I swallowed my spit. I don't think God's real. Maybe I should just let them kill me so I can save my friend's lives. I'd probably feel a lot better if I was dead. I wouldn't be alive to fuck up my friends anymore.

Just when I was about to settle this a beacon of hope flashed upon us. "Guys, look!" One of the boys yelled out and instantly we all looked to where he was pointing to. It was the window that showed lights on in the houses. I almost started to laugh as I realized that at any second someone will see my sign and come and save us.

And plus my Dad and his team are on their way. I was full of confidence as I stared at Erica and Colin and smiled at them. "Dream on." Erica got ready to step towards me but she stopped when a voice started to yell out.

"Hands up!" I smiled even harder when I saw Willian walking into the library with his gun aimed at Erica and Colin. I knew that God was real! I knew that I wasn't going to die! Man, this is amazing. I gave everyone a quick smile, hoping that they were just as happy as I was.

Erica let out a groan and rolled her eyes as they listened. "Stupid bitch." Erica called out as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a fucking gun. She aimed it at Willian and I gasped and ducked down with everyone else.

2 shots were fired. The first was from Willian's gun and his bullet successfully hit Erica in her stomach, but as she was going down she managed to pull the trigger and shoot Willian in his chest. It was like fucking Deja Vu.

I quickly ran to Willian's body as I applied pressure to his wound. I can't lose him too. He's too fucking important to me. "How bad is it?" He asked me as I looked for something to stop the bleeding with. Without second guessing it I ripped my shirt and pressed it on his wound.

My hands were covered in his blood, but I didn't care because I was going to save him. "You're strong. You're going to be fine." I said to him as I stared at his beautiful eyes. I won't get sad because I know that this won't be the last time that I'll see them.

I concentrated on his wound but out of the corner of my eye I saw his left hand doing something. I looked down and saw that he was pushing his gun towards me. I knew why he was doing it. He wanted me to finish the job with Colin. I looked up at Colin and saw that he was slowly inching away towards the exit.

I quickly grabbed Willian's gun, and looked down at Willian. He was in so much pain, I could just tell. I gave him a kiss on the lips as a way of saying that I loved him and I would do anything for him. I sadly pulled away and aimed the gun at Colin whose back was facing us. He was almost out of here.

I took in a breath and pulled the trigger. I knew that I hit my target when Colin fell down and cried out. I dropped the gun and got back to Willian, but I was too late. He was gone. I cried as I brought him closer to me. Every moment that we shared together flashed through my eyes.

It hit just now that I'm never going to be able to talk to him again. I'll never be able to kiss him again. I cried even harder when I saw the rest of the bodies on the ground. I was never going to be able to joke around with Mike again. I'll never be able to fake a relationship with Colin. I'll never be able to talk with Erica again.

"Guys?" My head shot up and stepping over Colin's dead body with confusion was Ingrid. I was so happy to see her. Her eyes scanned the room until they landed on me, and without any warning she came rushing over to me and tackled me in a hug. It felt nice to have someone hug me right now.

I took a deep breath as I wrapped my arms around her and I continued to cry while she comforted me. We stayed like that until we saw red and blue lights flashing from outside. Moments later my Dad and his Men entered. Once they saw everything I let go of Ingrid and ran to hug my Dad.

"Everything is okay now."

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