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The police station was busy today as I sat at a desk, watching everyone do something. I was bored and I wanted to leave, but my Dad wouldn't let me because of the killings that's been going around. I told him I would be safe, but he wouldn't listen. I guess it's because he knows way more about the case than I do, and he just wants me to be safe.

I took a look at my watch and saw that it was only 12 and I was hungry. I looked around the station and saw my Dad talking to some officers. I waved my arms until he saw and I pointed at my stomach, singling that I was hungry and wanted to go get some food. He put his finger up and I groaned. I just want food. Several minutes later he came out of the room holding a pizza menu and his phone.

"We're ordering pizza." He exclaimed as he called the number and I groaned. "Or I can just go get something to eat with my own money." I suggested. My Dad just stared at me as he put the phone to his ear.

"Hi, I would like to place an order." He said as he walked away, leaving me alone at the abandon desk. A few minutes later he came back and handed me his phone and the menu and smiled before going back to his office. I could so leave right now. He's so busy he wouldn't notice.

Right as I thought that my Dad and an officer walked over to me. "This is Officer Willian and he's going to be looking over you while I take care of some important stuff." My Dad said as Officer Willian sat down at the desk. My Dad left, leaving me and Officer Willian alone. I rolled my eyes and put my head down, feeling defeated. This is not fun at all.

"So you're the chief's infamous daughter." He said, causing my head to poke back up. I tucked my hair behind my ear and smiled at the thought of my Dad talking nonstop about me. "Yep. No matter where he goes he has to talk about me." I said with a light laugh which made Officer Willian laugh too.

"He's just proud of you." He said. I smiled and I took that as my golden opportunity to actually look at him, and I was glad I did. Officer Willian looked young and super attractive. Why is my Dad hiring hot people? Holy shit.

"How old are you?" I asked him, growing more interested by the second. "I'm just 21. Fairly new to the game." Why is he so young? I never took the time to learn about police business because it's not the field I want to work in when I'm older.

"What about you? About to graduate high school." He said with a light laugh and I laughed and repositioned myself in my chair so I was more comfortable. "Fairly 18. I'm so ready to get out of this small town and move to the city." It's been my dream since I was able to dream. My Dad would tell me stories about the city and I was always amazed at them.

"There's nothing here for me. I think it's time for me to leave." I said and he furrowed his eyebrows. "And I'm always too late." A smile escaped my lips and he started to blush. He's actually kind of cute.

"The pizza's here!" My Dad called out. I started to get up to go get it, but Officer Willian stopped me. "I got it." He assured me. "Such a gentlemen." I called out to him as I watched him leave the building to go get the pizza.


It was now around 6 o'clock and I was finally at home, alone in my room. My Dad had more work to do so my Mom came to pick me up and we bought dinner together. I was kind of sad when I had to leave. I was learning so much about Officer Willian, whose name is actually Willian. He's a really cool guy.

"You know I trust you, right?" My Mom said as I ate my dinner with her at the dinner table. "I hope you trust me." I replied and she laughed. "Tomorrow is going to be a pretty busy day for me and your Dad, so we need for you to stay home tomorrow."

"And Dad's okay with this?" Every since the killings my Dad doesn't want me alone. He's afraid. I get that but I don't need someone with me when I go to use the bathroom. "He will be." That means she hasn't told him yet.

"I'm allowing you to invite 1 or 2 friends over. Maybe Noah and someone else. But no parties. Your Dad will have an Officer watching the house at all times tomorrow. If something goes down your Dad will be the first to know."

"Trust me Mom, we won't throw any parties."


I was in my room, cleaning up and getting ready for bed when I heard them. My Mom and Dad arguing about what she had told me at dinner.

"I didn't agree to that!" My Dad stressed.

"But I did! She's not just your daughter! She's a big girl. She'll be fine!" My Mom said. I stopped what I was doing and got closer to the door to hear better.

"There's a killer on the loose. I don't want her alone." I really don't want to spend the whole day inside of the police station again.

"Then have your best officer sitting outside of this house, watching our daughter and making sure that she's okay." No one said anything after that which meant that they were done. My parents hardily fight. This is really stressing them out. I need to put an end to this before the killings end their marriage, or worse. Ends one of them.


"Who's the cop?" Erica asked as her and Noah entered my house. I closed the door behind them and looked through the window to get a view of the cop car. Sitting inside of it, watching our neighbors walk their dog was Willian. I smiled and turned back to Erica and Noah.

"We need to get serious." I said to the two as they both sat down on the couch. "We have to find out who is doing these killings." The two showed no interest at all and I groaned. "Don't you guys care?" I asked them, and still no interest.

"Not really. I don't think it's something we should be worrying about." Erica said and Noah agreed with her. "If it was then there would have been another killing. But the last one was last week." Noah said and I just nodded my head.

"We don't even know if it's the same person." Erica said and Noah sat up and agreed with her. I guess they don't care. That's because they weren't there. I need to talk to someone who was there. Who witnessed it more than once. I need Cheryl.

We all sat at my computer, waiting for Cheryl to answer my Skype call like she said she would. Moments later she answered and she didn't look too happy. But she always looks like that. "Hello." I greeted her and she just rolled her eyes and started to pick at her nails.

"Can you tell me about the killer?" I asked her and she stopped picking her nails and stared dead at me. "Gemma tried to and she died. I'm not telling you, or any of you weirdos about a damn thing. I'm petrified that I'm next. As soon as I speak up I fear for my life. I just lost my best friends and I'm not okay. Please, don't ever try to talk to me again or I'm calling my lawyers on you." And with that Cheryl ended the call and I exited out of Skype. Great.

"Let's have that police officer take us somewhere." Erica said, not caring about what Cheryl had just said. If Cheryl really meant what she had said then why did she try to tell us about the killer at her party? Something must have happen after the party. But what? I'm going to need some help with this.


"Thanks for getting the food." I said to Willian as he handed me the bag with a smile on his face. "It's really not a problem." Now I feel bad. He has to sit in his car watching after me all day. The least that I could do is offer him some food. Or I could do him one better.

"Do you want to come in? Grab a bite to eat? Watch a movie?" I asked him once I had the bag. He laughed and placed his hands in his pockets. "Your Dad told me not to enter unless it's an emergency." I nodded my head and he did the same. Why is my Dad so overprotective?

"Well, I should go back inside before my Dad has a panic attack." I joked but deep down I know that he might have one if I don't go back. "Goodnight Mara. I'm here if you need anything."

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