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"And they're back." Erica said as Zion, Colin, and I entered the school together. It was now December and the two of them were now able to come back to school. I thought that it would have been sooner, but they really needed to recover from their accidents.

"Just in time for Christmas." Cheryl said which caused me to smile. Over the course of Colin's recovery I managed to completely fall out of love with him and managed to do the opposite with Willian. I am in love with Willian and no one knows.

"I'm so glad to be back so I can do this." Colin said as he gave me a kiss. It took me off guard so I made a funny face but quickly covered it up with a smile. Thank god no one noticed it.

"The crutches and cast look sick on you." Mike called out as we all walked to Colin's locker. The group broke into some small talk once we reached his locker. Since I'm Colin's "girlfriend" I did the honors of unlocking his locker for him.

"Thanks." He said to me as he opened it and I got a good look at the state that his locker was in. He had random things everywhere. It was such a mess. Because I didn't want him to feel bad about it I quickly looked away and joined in on the small talk. Once Colin had what he needed we all started to walk away, but stopped when we were face to face with someone I haven't seen in awhile.

It was Derrianna and god did she look pissed. For a moment we all just kind of stood there, frozen almost. I haven't talk to her since I said what I said to her about her Dad. I wonder if she was still mad about it. "I knew you guys would be back today." She said as she only stared at Zion and Colin. It was pretty fucking creepy.

"Oh yeah um we're back." Zion said as he awkwardly laughed and Colin repositioned himself on his crutches. She didn't say anything else as her eyes went back and forth to Zion's and Colin's injuries.

"You might wanna be carefully Zion. We don't want you getting stab again." What the fuck? She walked away as she all watched her. The crazy thing about this is Zion never said how he got hurt, so how did she know? Unless.

"I'm telling you the killer is Derrianna!" I said to Willian as I paced back and forth. I couldn't go to class unless I told him. He started to laugh on the other end of the phone and I rolled my eyes. "Then apprehend her." He said with a light laugh and I wanted to punch him. Why isn't he taking me seriously? I swear she's the killer!

"Only an officer can do that, and last time I check I'm just a student." I stopped talking as soon as I saw a few people walk past me. No one can know about this conversation. If anyone finds out that I tried to have her arrested the whole school will come after me. And that's the last thing that I need right now.

"If only you knew a very young, hot, handsome police officer who could do that for you." Is he shitting me right now? If I knew that he wasn't going to take me seriously I would have just told my Dad.

"Willian." I quietly called out and he laughed at me. I'm glad that he's finding this amusing, because I'm not. "Get some hard evidence on her and I'll see what I can do." Music to my eyes. I said a quick thank you and hung up the phone. Once my phone was away I quickly looked around to make sure that no one was watching me. The coast was clear, so I went back to class like nothing happened.


"This weekend we're celebrating." I closed my locker and stared at Erica as she smiled at us. Me and Noah exchanged looks and I pulled out my phone and lipgloss. My lips were chapped. "And why are we doing that?" Ingrid asked as I focused on putting my lipgloss on.

"Because we have our boys back and they're doing good. We need to just have fun for once." She was right. They're finally back, and we never get to do anything fun because we're on edge about the killer or we're on punishment. I want to have fun this weekend.

"I'm down." I called out as I put my things away and smiled at everyone. Here comes the domino effect. "Me too!" Colin said and soon everyone started to agree and say that they wanted to do the same. That was until we reached Oliver.

"I can't this weekend. I have a family wedding to attend." I sent him a frown while Max stated his disappointment to him. "Well, I hope that wedding is close to as much fun as our weekend out is going to be!" Max exclaimed and Oliver groaned. We all know that weddings are never that much fun. Poor Oliver, but hey, this weekend is going to be absolute madness!

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