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"Play the next song!" Cheryl yelled out to Noah. He rolled his eyes but got up from his seat and went over to his phone and played a different song. The beat to 'Schoolin' Life' by Beyonce started to play and I playfully rolled my eyes because I knew what was about to happen next.

"Here she goes!" Ingrid called out as Erica gasped and stood up. I laughed and rested my body softly on Colin's chest as we both sat on my bed. If you need to know anything about Erica it's that she loves Beyonce. You play any song that has Beyonce in it and this girl will dance and sing that song to it's full length.

At first it was kind of weird, but now we're just used to it. We can't shame her for being a fan of a literal legend. I mean come on, who doesn't like Beyonce?

"This is for them twenty somethings
Time really moves fast, you were just sixteen" Erica sang to us and we all laughed as we watched her. It was like we were front row at a concert.

"This is for them thirty somethings

That didn't turn out exactly how your mom and dad wanted you to be" She now had one of my brushes in her hand as a microphone. It was amazing just watching her sing the song world from world.

She bounced around, smiled, laughed, interacted with us as she sang on and on. While I watched her I thought about how amazing she was. Not at singing or dancing, because let's be honest she kind of sucks. But she didn't care. All that mattered to her was that she was having fun.

That's one of my favorite things about her. It's her confidence. She was practically glowing as she went on, and that smile on her face stayed. As the last verse of the song played Erica allowed Beyonce to sing.

I thought about everything in that moment. I thought about life, my friends, the future and it made me smile. I was blessed to have found a group of friends like mine. My future is going to be bright with them in it. Once we find the killer and we can live our life as we should.

I giggled with excitement as I grabbed Colin's hand and kissed it. Isn't life beautiful?

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